This book was published in November 1996 as the third book of the English Serial of the Workers' Party (Turkey) Publications


- Eurasia: The Centre of World Revolution

- Eurasian Alternative
        - The New World Order and Foreign Policy Alternative
        - Principles 
        - Policies

- European Customs Union

- Yugoslavia’s Sevres and Turkey’s Sevres

- The Chinese Factor

- “We are all Korean”

- On the Eurasian Trip to Russia, China and DPR of Korea

- “Kurdish Peace Conference” of TESEV

- The Northern Iraq Operation: Turkey Entered USA-Supervised Territory

- The Policy of “Intervention into the Crisis Areas” and the General Staff

- USA-Israel Axis and PKK

- The Poised Hammer Trick



The Workers' Party Central Committee Reprot submitted to the Fourth Congress


Today it has become more clear that our globe, starting by the 1990s, entered a new period. The first shock of the attacks by the Richs Society of the North upon the Oppressed World and the socialist countries, has been left in the past. Two resistance fronts against the New World Order project of the USA are emerging. The first one is the resistance of the Oppressed World, socialist countries and the labouring classes in the capitalist countries. The other is the opposition of the imperialist states against the establishment of the New World Order under the leadership of USA.

Oppressed World
The main goal of the New World Order is the recolonization of the Oppressed World. With this aim, through the destruction of the domestic markets, unrestricted integration with world markets will be established. And the national states which depend upon these domestic markets will be destroyed and transformed entirely to the oppression mechanisms in the service of imperialism. Imperialism while destroying the national states, attempts to fill up the emerging organizational vacuum with so-called non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are closely connected with imperialist governments. Thus, imperialists under the masking of the identity pluralism and civil organization, etc., turn their eyes to controlling the all organizational activity in the Oppressed World.

Although oppressing the labourers within its territory, national state on the other hand, via preserving the domestic market to some extent restricts imperialist exploitation. Under these circumstances, there is a remarkable resistance potential of, at first, the labouring classes of the Oppressed World and of all patriotic forces, those exist on the basis of certain domestic market, against the New World Order.

Thus, in the South, there begins a new period, in which the mass movements against the New World Order will be rising. India and Bangladesh in Asia, are the remarkable examples because of the intensity of these struggles. Now, Left Front is in power in India. In Nepal, the Communist Party (United Marxist-Leninist) is a candidate for power. In Philippines, the Communist Party enforces government to go negotiation. The Central Asian Turkic states hold their ties alive with Peoples Republic of China and Russia. 

USAs attempts towards establishment of the New Middle Eastern Order have not been so successful as compared to the expectations. Both the regional forces and the other imperialist states undertake oppositions on different domains. Besides the attempts to gather by the Arabic countries, newly emerging close relations between Iran and Syria may affect the regional balance of forces. The USA could not succeed in consolidating the Kurdish regime that was established in Northern Iraq.

Besides these, the guerrilla movements, mass movements in Latin America, in Bolivia, Peru and Mexico have been arising. In El Salvador and Guatemala, the guerrilla movements that were already being unable to obtain any successful results from the negotiation with the Governments, have reinforced their ties with the masses and re-started the armed struggle. In Brasilia, the gigantic country of the Latin America, mass movements are progressing.

Labour Movements in Capitalist Countries
Stagnation in capitalist system and the restriction of the social rights have led to the rise of a new mass movement. In metropolises of the capitalism, such as Germany, France, Italy and Japan and in other capitalist countries, student movements and strikes are expanding.

Socialist Countries
The socialist countries, as being on the same front with the Oppressed World, enter the near future in more suitable conditions.

Today, if Peoples Republic of China is not included, it will be easily seen that the growth in the World Economy has stopped. China has become the only leading force in the world economy with her 12% annual rate of growth. Imperialists are afraid of the economic and political accumulation that China will achieve in the first quarter of the 21st century.

Chinas socialist experience has once more revealed that the most productive force is not the machines but the working class itself. In addition, this experience has also shown that the revolution is not only for the demolition of the old regime but for constitution of the new revolutionary class which will establish the new regime. If there had been no revolution in China, there would not be Chinese labourer today. If there had been no such a revolutionary class, there would not be Chinese miracle today. It is the revolution, it is the man that the practice of revolution has created, it is the people as the founder of the new society, distinguish China from her neighbours such as Afghanistan, Pakistan which are in the capitalist world. This is an age difference. China has entered a new era in a half century and leaped forward. 

China, via socialism, on the 8% of the total area of the overall world, feeds 25% of the world population. What is more important, Chinese Revolution has created a self-respecting man and woman having a distinctive personality and people persisting against imperialism. Chinese experience also provides us a very important practice and theoretical heritage within the context of class struggles during the establishment of the socialism.

Vanguard led by Mao, although being at the top of the state and the Party, through mobilizing ordinary labouring masses against degeneration within the state apparatus and the Party, has provided an important experience and lessons for the socialist progress in the 21st century.

Every socialism bears the dangers of capitalist restoration. Threat towards restoration of capitalism is because of the very nature of the socialism. Class struggle never lasts during the whole socialism period. China will go further via experiencing and resolving this contradiction.

However, it is interesting that the most of the socialists in the world leave themselves apart from the Chinas remarkable successes today. Some parts of the socialists, after the defeats of Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe have lost their strength to propagandize the successes of the socialism. 

If we look from the Oppressed World, as recognized by the imperialist ideologists, China is the major obstacle against New World Order. 

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Vietnam faced drastic problems. However the hard days are over. Cuba is again on the smooth development path. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea, as faced serious natural disasters, now solves her problems and invalidates the imperialisms expectations of catastrophe. Vietnam has entered a new period of rapid economic growth. 

Buffer Zone
In the Eastern European countries functioning as a buffer zone between the Oppressor World and the Oppressed World, masses turn their eyes again towards socialism. Communist parties are meeting with successes in the elections and coming to the power. Capitalism has brought violence among the nations, moral depression and social decay. Thus it could not succeed in establishing austerity.

Oppressor World
The major process in the Northern semi-sphere is towards multi-polarity. In relation with other imperialist countries, USA looses her leading position in the early 1990s. Germany-centered Europe and Japan had already accepted the superiority of the USA just before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. However, now they come to the stage as the new super forces. Russia makes remarkable progresses towards national unity.

Germany has taken up new positions in the Middle East and in the Eastern Europe. Germany together with her close ally, France, has begun to challenge the USAs role in the Middle East and to set her chain of allies. German-France alliance launches the programs of developing nuclear weapons.

However, Japan, besides the Eastern and South-eastern Asia, has made remarkable attempts in Latin America and the Middle East. Japan rapidly improves her military strength. Germany and Japan together are in preparation of setting political mechanisms to develop economic relations between Asia and Europe. 

Position of Russia is so different. This super state is located at the very centre of the imperialist conflicts that are to determine the future of the world. What happens in the Geography of Chaos where the fights among the countries and the class struggle intersect with each other, are of importance from the perspective of the world revolutionary movement.


Dividers and the Dividends

There emerged a Geography of Chaos after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Now the area extending from the East Europe to the Pacific Ocean comes to be re-divided.

Dividers are the US and Europe. Although not coming to the stage as an armed force, we may add Japan to these. There are both competition and collaboration among these three super states. They are all in collaboration with each other against the Oppressed World. However, to extract the lions share, they never give up getting each other fired.

Russia is both the divider and the divided. The divider, because Russia is one of the four biggest imperialist states and because of its armed power. She still claims for certain shares from partitioning of the world. She is also a divided country, because partitioned area comprises the lands that have been previously controlled by or have been the focus of concern of Moscow. Russia is one of the four super forces. However, she has been defeated and pushed to the Third World. Russian case reminds us Germany in the post-war period of the First World War. Besides Russia, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Central Asian Turkic states, Caucasia, Turkey and Iran were/are also being subject to partitioning. US agencies in plain words call these 
countries as axes countries. Some of these were already divided. And the others have been taken on the agenda of partitioning. All these countries share a common fate.

The first victims of this operation, by the Gulf War, have been Iraq -via bloodless way- Czechoslovakia-via most bloody way-Yugoslavia and Caucasia. The result is as follows: Czechoslovakia was divided. In Iraq and in Bosnia-Herzegovina, pro- American tiny states were established. Croatia has been left to Germany. Georgia has been lined up by Abkhazians. Armenia and Azerbaijan were drawn into a war against each other. And they have become more beholden to imperialism. Thus, Turkeys people have to complete its a hundred year-old process of democratic revolution on such a geography. USA and her collaborationists because of their strategies have been producing illusions for a long time. If Turkey is taken in them, she will see herself as though she were among the dividing countries. However the real situation is as follows: Turkey is among the partitioned countries of the Geography of Chaos. Both the patriotic forces favoring Turkeys independence and the forces of proletarian revolution, at first, have to recognize this fact.

Conflicts Among the Oppressed Countries
In partitioning the region, imperialism manipulates the national conflicts and rivalries among the religious sects. The Theory of Culture Fights was produced at the ideological headquarters of the world capitals. Now, these scatter numbers of national, ethnic and religious identities around. Research foundations controlled by imperialism are searching for identity with great effort. International organizations are in a hard effort for minority rights ! Imperialism never recognizes human rights while exploiting the laboring masses. However, as to minorities, imperialism pretends as a champion of human right.

When small peoples leap for a just struggle against the states which oppress themselves, because of their limited strength, a time later, they clutch at big states. That is why, national and religious identities are exaggerated by the imperialist forces. From the perspective of polarization at world scale, it can be easily seen that those small nations and religious minorities come to be the pawns of the imperialism. The cases of Bosnians and some Caucasian peoples and Northern Iraqian Kurds are the evident.

This is the very point where the politics, strategy and the leadership are of great necessity. Resistance against national oppression is a right. However, to utilize this right, not for being subjected to more oppression or distraught but for success is the wisdom. The line connecting the wisdom with the rightfulness is to fight against imperialism.

As far as the peoples are not taking their positions according to the polarization at global scale, even they show heroism, they become trampled on. When they attempt to solve the national question through fighting with the nations nearby themselves, they can easily find numbers of ready-made justifications. There might be those who encourage these on this way. However, the result, beyond a disappointment, would be calamity. Oppressed peoples are in need of taking a position on revolutionary front and of a scientific guide, rather than heroism. 

Right can be won by might. And the might lies in the unity of the oppressed nations at the world scale. However against whom? Obviously against the imperialism as the basis and axis of the national oppression. In our epoch national question is a part of the question of an extensive struggle against imperialism.

To unite is a necessity for the Oppressed Humanity. However, it is not easy. There are problems among themselves, going back to the centuries. And these problems are continuously instigated. However, there is no other solution to the problem. After having certain experiences, the Oppressed Peoples will soon grasp this fact and will learn to be respectful to others interests and rights and to reconcile with each other. At this point, Turkey is one of the countries having a remarkable accumulation to play a leading role among the divided countries.

Role of the Asia in Revolution
We are still living in the age of proletarian revolution and the wars of independence. As Lenin stated in the beginning of this century, the revolution would realize at the weak chain of the imperialism. Revolution in one of the countries means the defeat of the imperialist forces in that place. Therefore, there is a need to pursue a strategy at the scale of Geography of Chaos and even at the world scale. This geography comprises Asia, Balkans and the countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

To overcome imperialism and to confront New World Order in one country, there must be established a broad alliance between divided countries of the Geography of Chaos and the countries resisting imperialism. In these circumstances, although the laboring classes and all the patriotic forces are the major forces of revolution, overall resistances of the divided countries are indirect forces of revolution.

Workers' Party, thus, gives a great attention to the formation of a broad alliance on the Geography of Chaos and plays an active role with this aim.

Today, Asia is the focal point of the World Revolution both in domains of the Oppressed Peoples and the nation states committed to the preservation of their independence. Peoples Republic of China is at the centre of the Asia and her rapidly growing economy is an important factor for the struggle against the imperialism. Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Vietnam with their successes in resisting imperialism will make major contributions to the rise of Asia. India with her size of population and her resistance potentials is a major force of an Asian alternative. Capitalism, on the Geography of Chaos could not establish its own order. It has brought nothing more than tragedies, sorrow and misery. Russia with her vast opportunities and her revolutionary tradition will make determining contributions to Asian take-off.

In all domains, Turkey has a scale of developing and preserving a proletarian revolution. She is one of the vanguard countries of the Oppressed World. Our country can play an important role in Asian take-off via reinforcing the solidarity with Turkic Republics, against imperialism.

The major stroke upon the New World Order will come from Asia. The second wave of the socialism will start with Asian Rebel against the imperialism. 

Strategy of the Revolution on the Geography of Chaos
We may summarize the revolutionary strategy on the Geography of Chaos as follows:

1. To unite the labouring classes and the patriotic forces against the imperialism and its collaborationists.

2. To unite the divided countries against dividing countries; in other words, Eurasian Alternative/Asian Alliance.

3. To solve the problems among the countries and the peoples of the Geography 
of Chaos in peaceful ways. 

4. To utilize and benefit from all the contradictions among the dividing countries.

5. To direct the main stroke upon US imperialism and its collaborationists. 

6. To recognize the struggle for independence as the central mission of the revolutionary movement. 

7. To insist on the guidance of the Scientific Socialism and the socialist ideals, on the basis of alliance between workers and the peasants, under the leadership of the working class.


The policies that will be pursued by the Turkish State and the other Asian states are of great importance for the point of view of the proletarian revolutions and socialist movement. Close relations, cooperation and alliances among the Asian countries will necessarily weaken imperialism. Thus besides the struggles of the labouring classes, solidarity among the Asian countries is a major factor in formation of the weak chains of imperialism.

Because of aiming at a proletarian power, Workers Party has concerned with foreign policy and put forward an alternative against imperialism.

Now, today Turkey has two alternatives ahead: Either the Second Republic via taking the subcontractor role for the USA or the independence and democracy via the Eurasian Alternative.

Common Fate Shared with USA
Turkey, in the process of her dependence upon USA, has come to a crossroads. Pro-American foreign policy is in need of shifting to an upper gear. Washington does not satisfy with Turkeys dependent foreign policy and wants more than this. 

Comprador bourgeoisie attempts to get rid of its dilemma via submitting to the subcontractor role for the USA. The first dilemma of the system is economic crisis resulting from dependence upon imperialism. The second is the insistence on the violent methods in Kurdish Problem.

Economic costs of dependence on USA are evident. Embargo imposed upon Iraq is the most recent one. Turkey for the sake of US interests, in fact, imposed an embargo upon herself and lost 10 milliard dollars annually and 50 milliard dollars totally. She herself, has destroyed her economy. US Reports declares that Turkey will disintegrate in two years. They have also written similar reports on Yugoslavia and Iraq. Now, those who govern Turkey, are in collaboration with those who destroy the national economy. 

USA has caught Turkey in a weak position. US Government utilizes the issues such as Kurdish Problem and the disputes on natural gas and petroleum pipe-line routes and on water resources, to push Turkey against her neighbours.

In the process left behind, as a result of, on the one hand , USAs contrivances and the dictates, on the other hand, pro-American, US-manipulated policies pursued by Kenan Evrens Junta and the Turgut Özal and Tansu Çiller Governments, there emerged a common fate between dominant forces of Turkey and USA.

After the Gulf War USA followed a line that was forcing Turkey to take the patronage of the colonial government established by herself. There were two alternatives: Either submitting to these dictates or detaining USA. This situation has determined the major splits within Turkish State. However, towards the end of 1990s, dominant forces in Turkey seemed to accept the common fate with USA. Even including Ecevit, all of them could tolerate the convention with Israel. So Turkey has been moved to the USA-Israel Axis in the Middle East, in Balkans, and in Caucasia. Therefore, Turkish General Staff, similar to the period prior to September 1994, made statements such as interventive capacity in crisis zones. This policy draws Turkey into indefinite and risky situations and even pushes Turkey against the countries that share the common interest with herself. If not prevented, this process may culminate in a pro-American Junta of Generals. Because, the policy of an active intervention into crisis zones can not be pursued in a parliamentary regime.

Eurasian Alternative
In this case, there are two thresholds in front of Turkey: To pay the dependency upon USA by blood or to undertake vanguard roles in upheaval of the Oppressed World, as similar to the situation in the aftermath of the First World War.

Now Turkey rapidly moves to a crossroads where she will have to define her true position to survive.

In fact, there is no real common fate between USA and Turkey. This common fate belongs not to the people but to a small group of collaborationists. The right place of Turkey is not on the side of those dividing the Geography of Chaos. Our country is a part of the Oppressed World and among the divided countries of the Geography of Chaos. We have to realize and also implement this very fact, if we are to pursue an independent line and to enter a process of democratization. 

Workers' Party, in accordance with the goal of democratic peoples revolution and the independence of the country, has developed and put forward the Eurasian Alternative against the pro-American foreign policy.

Eurasian Alternative is the most realist and the feasible one. Besides, it can bring grand forces together both within the country and abroad and can trigger the rise of the Oppressed World in the 21st century. Likewise what our War of Independence had done in the Oppressed World in the aftermath of 1917 Revolution.

Turkey has an important accumulation. Conditions themselves provide opportunities to turn ourselves to an independent line in economy and in politics. In contrast, the difficult one is to take position against our neighbours and even against Europe for the sake of USAs interests. However, easy one is to pursue an independent and self-respecting policy and to take no roles in imperialist rivalries among the big states.

Therefore, to prevent the conflicts among the nations and the religious sects, is a vital question for Turkey. Because Yugoslavian Sevres is also the Sevres of Turkey. Disintegration of Iraq is also that of Turkey. USA obviously would benefit from the re-disintegration of Russia. Yet, this would merely intensify the Turkeys yoke.

Turkey, on the Geography of Chaos, has not to take part in rivalries among the nations and among the religious sects. She must pursue an active and peaceful policy towards reconciling the sides. Via this policy, Turkey will make friends in Balkans, Caucasia, Middle East, Asia and in all over the world.

Turkey must end up obeying the embargo and must re-establish her economic relations with Iraq. Friendly relations should be developed with Balkan countries including Yugoslavia and Iran.

Turkey and Russia because of their divided country position in Todays world, must be in good relations with each other. In relation with the issues such as Chechen and Kurdish problems, two countries must help each other to find out peaceful solutions on the basis of equity in rights. Russia gets more involved in Kurdish Problem and Turkey interferes in Chechen Problem for the sake of USAs interests. These are all for the disadvantage of Kurdish and Chechen Peoples.

Besides these, interests of the Turkic Republics and Turkey also necessitate the friendships. Our country provides vast opportunities for economic cooperation with Russia. Central Asian Turkic Republics will also benefit from this relationship. The routes of the pipelines can be drawn according to common interests.

Our country has to go more comprehensive and multi-dimensional cooperation especially with Peoples Republic of China and with other Asian countries and with her neighbours. Today the conditions are suitable for this cooperation. Any close relations between China and Russia will provide Turkey, new opportunities for manoeuvre.

Turkic states in Central Asia can play the role of a bridge tying Turkey, Russia, Iran and the Peoples Republic of China.

However, Turkey is governed not from Ankara but from Washington. Therefore, the primary problem is to develop a patriotic and peoples alternative for power that will govern Turkey from Turkey. 



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on March 16, 1996

Turkey enters a period of most intense and extensive class struggles of her Republic History. It is clearly seen that labour movement starting with so-called Labour Spring of 1989, seems to rise higher. The future of Turkey will be determined by the conflict between the labour movement and the New World Order. The major factor behind Turkeys shift to the Right is the adverse conditions in balance of the world. Labour movement today, although being at the apex of its history is in defence.

Two programs are in confrontation with each other. Solutions regarding domestic politics are more or less known. However, ties between foreign and domestic politics are not fully considered. 

Turkey has two foreign policy alternatives: pro-American foreign policy and Eurasian Alternative. Pro-American foreign policy, domestically manifests itself in terms of privatization, elimination of the subsidies to agricultural production, and the destruction of SSK (Social Security Foundation).

More importantly, pro-Western foreign policy has geared up. The issue of intervention in the crisis zones, for the first time, has been stated in Government Protocol. Recently, Karadayı, Chief of the Staff, has renounced the same intention in his statement to the Havacılık Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Aviation). Thus, the policy of subcontraction to USA of the Çiller-Güreş duo has been reasserted. USAs pressure on Turkey to assume the patronage of Kurdish Statism in the Northern Iraq has increased. We hear that this solution has begun to be discussed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This depression pushes the real responsibles of depression into a position of even greater need for and dependence on USA.

However, those who want to resist the economic program of the New World Order, have to produce an alternative foreign policy. Globalization can be faced at the world scale only with the forces that are to resist this attack. The foreign policy presented to the People of Turkey in detail by the Workers Party can be named as Southern Line or Eurasian Alternative. 

Social forces and the countries which are at the target of the New World Order are known. Generally speaking, the targets are the labourers and the Oppressed World. However, to define more specifically, we have to distinguish dividers and the divideds. Dividing and sharing countries are USA, Europe and Japan. However, these have conflicts among themselves. Among these, USA is the major source of threat and danger for Turkey and the world. 

Major divided countries are Yugoslavia, Iraq, Russia, Central Asian Turcic Republics, Iran and Turkey. USA sources name these countries as the Axis Countries. Some of these countries are already divided and some are taken on the agenda disintegration. These countries share common fate. We may also add to these the countries such as People's Republic of China, Cuba and the People's Democratic Republic of Korea that are on the target as the main source of fear for imperialism.

In Turkey, those intellectuals taking part on the side of labouring people conceive the foreign policy dictated by the very process. Recently, Attila İlhan has stated that how better it would be if Turkey, Russia and Iran could act wisely and agree on an Eurasian Model, and added that the West has been trying to hinder this solution (Milliyet, March 3rd, 1996). In addition, Halit Refiğ, in a TV speech, emphasizes that Western Civilization is collapsing and the hopes of humanity lie in Asia, especially in the rise of Peoples Republic of China. All the patriotic forces in Turkey have begun to recognize that the balance of forces against the globalization process can be created by an Eurasian alternative.

Turkey, now, is in a strategic position to play a key role, similar to what she had been in the aftermath of the First World War. Turcic Republics in Central Asia can play a bridgehead role in joining Turkey, Russia, Iran and Peoples Republic of China together. In contrary, the USA wants to draw these countries into a fight over Central Asia natural gas pipeline connection.

Economic cost of dependence on USA is self evident. The recent lesson is the embargo imposed upon Iraq. For the sake of US interests, Turkey, in fact, imposed an embargo upon herself, lost 10 billion dollars annually, 50 billion dollars in totally, and moved her economy towards destruction. US Reports declare that Turkey will go bankrupt in two years. They had written similar reports about Yugoslavia and Iraq. And those governing Turkey are in collaboration with those who want to destroy the country.

The most dangerous point is the fact that, Turkey is wanted to be drawn in a confrontational position against the countries such as Russia, Iran and the Arabic World; which have strong and long-term common economic interests with herself. 

USA and her collaborators with this aim, attempt all types of provocations and intrigue. Besides this, International Amnesty Organization manipulated by imperialism, triggers a campaign against China by mobilizing their agents in Turkey. 

Turkey rapidly moves to a crossroad where she has to redefine her place in the world. The USA is not satisfied with Turkeys dependent foreign policy up to now. Main-Way (abbreviation used for coalition government by Main way Party and the Right Way Party) Coalition Governments Protocolway provides a favourable message to the dictates of the USA. Policy of active intervention into the crisis zones will drag Turkey into chaos and hostile confrontations with the countries of common interests. If not prevented, this foreign policy, eventually may result in the power of a pro-American military junta. Because, this policy can not be fully implemented in a parliamentary system. However, Eurasian Alternative is the unique solution for Turkey to enter an independent path and even to survive. Besides, Eurasian Alternative is realistic, implementable, brings powers together domestically and internationally, divides super powers, fuels the great rise of oppressed world in the 21st century. Similar to what our Independence War (1919-1920) had sparked in the Oppressed World in the aftermath of 1917 October Revolution.



1. Program of Imperialist System
Let us first point out that the New World Order is not a common program of humanity, it is the program of imperialism of today.

There are two revolutionist dynamics which create our Age. One is socialist revolutions which began with Soviet Revolution, the other is national democratic revolutions of which our Independence War was their vanguard.

At the beginning of this Century, Oppressed World constituted by continents of Asia, Africa and Latin America was almost a colony as a whole. There were three old empires which were not colony in this part of the world: Turkey, Iran and China. They were also in the process of colonization.

This world picture was changed by 1917 Soviet Revolution and 1919-1922 Liberation War of Turkey. As we watch today, almost all of the oppressed world countries had gained their independence and had founded their nation states. This New World Order aims to destroy the attainments of humanity achieved by socialist revolutions and national liberation wars in this century.

Socialist revolutions had provided one third of world population leave imperialist-capitalist system. As for new independent states founded by national liberation wars, they had limited the exploitation of imperialism. Soviets Union’s return to capitalism before 1960 put countries dependent on Moscow in the same process. This process was completed in 1990.

As for Oppressed World countries, we observe them become even more dependent to centres of imperialism. A wave of compradorship is developed among the bourgeoisie of these countries.

Now, imperialists calls this process as “change” or “globalization”. New World Order is the project of this process.

The objective of New World Order can be summarized in three items:

- In economy: Unlimited dictate of world monopolies under the name of “Free market”. Unlimited participation of oppressed country economies in the name of “integration with world market” under the imperialist system.

- In politics: Destruction of Oppressed World countries through destroying their economic foundations.

- In ideology: Empowerment of cosmopolitism in centres of imperialism and among collaborating classes of Oppressed World, promotion of nationalism and theocracy behind the curtain of “multi identification” in the Oppressed World countries.

2. Destruction of Domestic Markets
In world scale, “free market” is actually eliminating the competition and free markets, and is intensifying the hegemony of big monopolies. In this system, only big capital is circulating “freely”. Circulation of labour power is also not free.

Imperialism aims at destroying the last borders between domestic markets of oppressed countries and capitalist worldmarket. So, domestic markets are integrated with world market. Privatisation and elimination of state’s social responsibilities are the means of this project in all over the world. The contraction of domestic market leads to the destruction of industrialists, manufacturers and merchants, artisans who produce and trade in that market. Those in bourgeoisie who could not become compradorized, in other words those who could not become franchises and subcontractors of imperialism, also are subjected to great losses.

3. Destruction of Oppressed World States
Colonization of Oppressed World is unchangeable intention of imperialism’s nature. Control of oppressed countries over their domestic markets and states hindered imperialist exploitation and suppression. States of the Oppressed World were born in alliance with socialist countries in spite of imperialism. These states, although exercise suppression and exploitation over their own peoples, at the same time also constitute barriers that limit exploitation of imperialism at the world scale. Today, in the name of “globalisation”, subjecting their domestic markets, which are the reason for the existence of these states, to destruction verifies this reality. Imperialist states at the centre of capitalist world system, through their program of boundary free integration with the world market, in fact are destroying the economic foundation of Oppressed World states, making those states useless. Process should undoubtfully be resisted and pushed back in many countries.

Contraction of domestic markets can not be executed in a liberal and democratic system as claimed. New World Order, which represents interests of a very small minority, can be established through oppressive regimes that affect the largest sections of nations as well as an important section of bourgeoisie.

4. Role of Nationalism and Theocracy
Ideologists of imperialism claim that “the age of class and ideology wars is over and the age of culture wars has begun”. Theocracy and nationalism are instigated by these claims.

Imperialism in the Oppressed World is pushing large classes of people into theocracy and nationalism while it is preaching cosmopolitism of capitalism among collaborating bourgeoisie.

Since the beginning of this century, two tendencies are seen in capitalist classes of the Oppressed World countries.

Revolutionary nationalism and reactionary nationalism. 

In the era following the October Revolution, national movements were mostly against imperialism. National bourgeosies of Oppressed World countries could struggle against imperialism in alliance with socialist countries and could execute this struggle under the banner of revolutionary nationalism.

In the era we live in, situation is different: Today, principal tendency of national movements is fighting against each other in alliance with imperialism. 

In countries where capitalism developed in early 19th century, some coherent nation states were formed. Some nations were formed at the expense of others through cleansing and assimilation. 

As for the Oppressed World, nationalization did not occur as an outcome of domestic capitalist development process, in a way it was externally imposed by imperialism. Different peoples with diverse ethnic background living in lands colonized by imperialism founded states through struggle against colonization. Nevertheless, human element of these states was not yet turned into a unitary nation in a capitalist development process, rather was divided into different ethnic groups and even into tribes. Almost all of the states in the Oppressed World were born as multi-national. Therefore, there was a ground convenient for conflicts among diverse nations and tribes in the Oppressed World states.

Today, nationalism on one hand is the ideology of rivalry among nationals within the same state, and on the other hand it is the ideology of conflicts among different states in the Oppressed World. However, nationalism in the scope of conflicts both within and among states is different from the notion that was in effect following the October Revolution, and does not aim imperialism as the target, on the contrary it is inclining into alliance with imperialism against each other. This condition creates extra ordinarily convenient conditions for the New World order project of imperialism. Globalization process is going on with national and religious conflicts in the Oppressed World. 

The same phenomenon is in effect in the countries that were once under the influence of former Soviets Union. Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the zone extending from Eastern Europe to Pacific is confronted in a way with the threat of “Third Worldization”. On one hand, imperialist states entered into rivalry to share this zone, and on the other hand they started an assault to integrate these countries with world market. An imperialist country such as Russia also became the target of this globalization. 

Imperialist states such as USA, Germany and Japan used nationalism and theocracy both in seizing these countries and also in rivalry among themselves. Croat, Slovene, Bosnian, Serb, Macedon, Albanian, Czech, Slovak, Bulgarian, Armenian, Azeri, Abhaz, Georgian, Czech nationalisms were instigated during this process. Moreover, rising nationalism among these nations electrified neighbouring nations and instigated radical nationalism.

Today, a nationalism which behaves against imperialism is not seen except in Iraq during the War in the Gulf and in Somali Last year. There is also a Serbian nationalism but it also is resisting against European and USA imperialists relying on Russia. Nationalism in all over the world and in region under the influence of former Soviet Union, is supported by imperialism and is in collaboration with imperialism.

National movement was a movement of bourgeoisie to dominate its own domestic market through the foundation a nation state.

As for nationalism, it was the ideology of national movement or bourgeoisie and national market.

Today, compradorizing sections of bourgeoisie are not in favour of nation state and national market but they are for globalization. Nationalism is not used to preserve domestic market against assault of imperialism for economic assimilation, but it is used as a mean of providing distinction and superiority against neighbouring nations and states, getting support from imperialism and undertaking its regional power role; so is leading to the destruction of each other among the oppressed ones serving to the purposes of boundry free integration with the world market. 

Today, nationalism and national movements, to great extend, had been hitched to the carriage of New World Order.

After the October Revolution, the tendency was heavily toward revolutionary nationalism in the Oppressed World. Today, it is reactionary nationalism. Therefore, a more careful attitude is ever more necessary against national movements. Today, struggle against nationalism and theocracy had been united with struggle against imperialism to a great extend.

Since the beginning of this century, our world had been divided in two camps. On one hand, there are few big imperialist country; on the other hand oppressed countries and socialist countries. This is called oppressor and oppressed world division. For example; Turkish, Kurdish, Persian, Arab, Azeri, Beluci, Turcoman nationalities who live in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria are all in the camp of oppressed nations. Imperialism loads this discrimination between imperialism and oppressed nations on to the camp of oppressed nations, instigating contradictions among oppressed countries; thereby covering this reality. Inequality and suppressions among oppressed nations is forming a ground convenient for this.

While multi national states are being founded, some nationalities gained distinctive or dominant positions more than ever. Narrow nationalism is inclined to strengthen these positions and sharpened national contradictions in oppressed countries.

However, national contradictions in the Oppressed World countries are not determining factors, but they are a product and dimension of contradiction between imperialism and the Oppressed World. Dependent capitalism and indirectly nationalism were introduced to the Oppressed World by imperialism. More importantly, the one which blocks the path to the development of capitalism and independence in these countries is also imperialism. Imperialism, therefore, destroyed the possibility of nationalization and independency. Therefore, the unique way of national independency in the Oppressed World is struggle against imperialism. This is valid for nationalities under suppression as well as distinctive nationalities in oppressed countries. Therefore, strategy which will be drawed for independency, freedom and economic development in the Oppressed World is supposed to accept the struggle against imperialism as a determining criterion. All theories and defences for a collaboration with imperialism against the privileged countries, and attempts to validate the excuse and acceptance for the search for solutions at the doors of Western states are the products of imperialist ideology.

However, today, imperialist theorists claim that the world left the age of class and system struggle behind, and entered the age of struggle among cultures; by which they mean religion and nationalism.

Today, both nationalism and theocracy are in alliances with global market ideology of imperialism in world scale. Reactions against globalization from nationalist or theocratical angle are not essentially against the New World Order, but rather they are within it. Because nationalism and theocracy are not in a position against the New World Order since they both divide and provocate the oppressed nations against each other; and also they do not have any socio - economic agenda for detachment form the world market.

5. New World Order and Turkey
One of the countries heavily affected by globalization process is Turkey. We objectively define the New World Order project implementations on the grounds of economy, politics, foreign policy, military and culture.

On economic area: Privatisation; destruction of social security system, especially Social Security Foundation (SSK), elimination of subsidies to agricultural production, entering into European Customs Union.

On political area: Gaining a character of province which is administered from the centres of capital, Washington, IMF and Worldbank by loosing governmental characteristics step by step of Turkish government. Depending on this, functioning of Administrators of Turkey as privatization general managers and undersecretaries.

On foreign politics: Leaving the politics of “Peace at home, peace abroad”, undertaking subcontraction of USA in Balkans, Caucasia and the Middle East . Seating of our country quickly on axis of USA-Israel in the Middle-East.

On military area: Alteration of Turkish Armed Forces into power of “intervention in crisis areas” for the sake of USA benefits.

On cultural area: As Graham Fuller, The chief for Middle - East in CIA indicated, leaving Kemalism and accepting Moderate Islam identification by Turkey.

6. The New World Order Project is Condemned to Fail
The New World Order project, is reflected as if it is living the most bright era, today. However, an evaluation inclined to future, shows that the imperialism has no chance of success. Because, the imperialist- capitalist system had entered in a dead end. 

- Imperialist-capitalist system divided our world in two camp as rich countries and the poor. When seven imperialist country called as Club of Riches is getting richer than ever, other countries of the world are becoming impoverished. There is no solving of this polarization in the system.

- Capitalist system is making human mad. One in three of the population in centres of imperialism, countries such as France and Germany are under psychological treatment. Individual benefit system unfamiliarized man and made subject to psychological destruction.

- System made cattles mad, too. In England catching of four million head cattle the sickness of “mad cow” is the result of the profit system. The private profit aim not only made mad cattles but cucumbers and tomatoes, too. Hormonized fruits and vegetables are final proofs of spoiling equilibriums between nature and human by the capitalist system.

- Capitalism is also piercing the roof of the world. The hole pierced in the ozone layer is being larger. There is neither a holding nor a trust. Private enterprising and private ownership system also is helpless here and had been in bankruptcy.

- Capitalism is bringing blood everywhere it intensified its effect, it is inciting national and religious fights at one another’s throat. Here are Balkans, here are Caucasias, here is the Middle-East. These bloody wars in the system are inevitable.

- Imperialist-capitalist system is blocking the front of scientific development. Fortune telling, magic and ignorance are rising again in the world.

In the world history, it was not seen any system as destructive and cruel as imperialist character of today’s capitalism. This system for the first time destructed the nature where humanity live. Neither captivity system nor feudalism created this kind of terrible conditions for humanity. Humanity either will save themselves from imperialism or will destruct everything.

Humanity had come on the threshold of great joint projects and collective ownership again to save the nature where they live on and themselves.

New World Order project has no chance of success. Because success of the imperialism means the end of humanity. 


1. Basic View: Oppressed Country Consciousness
Turkey is taking place in the world capitalist system which big imperialist countries take place on its peak. However, our country is not in the camp of oppressors but is in the camp of oppressed ones. Turkey is not a developed capitalist country. Relations of medieval remnants are insistently still live in our society.

Turkey is a country which is relatively developed ones of the Oppressed World; she has a political, cultural and economic accumulation to play vanguard roles among undeveloped countries. Liberation war and republican revolution are the most important gains of this revolutionist accumulation. 

So, Turkey is supposed to determine its objective position in the world for the following a foreign policy which is realist and convenient to its benefits. However, revolutionist and young Turkey under leadership of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, then, had fixed in a clear way that she was on the line of oppressed nations and had sited her foreign policy on this axis. Liberation War was gained by this consciousness. The Republican Revolution Was realised by this consciousness. Young Turkey had maintained her honoured place in the world by this consciousness. However, this consciousness which began to get cloudy in years of 1930 was disappeared in years of Second World War.

Turkey’s attempt to take place among developed countries of the world by capitalist way was failed. Because this gate had still been closed in the beginning of the 20th century. The Oppressor imperialists had blocked the developing ways of oppressed ones, there was no opportunity of taking place among developed countries as staying in the capitalist system, historically.

The adventure of last fifty years of our country’s foreign policy can be summarized in this way: Turkey serves to dictate of riches in spite of she did not take place in Riches’ Club. Turkey takes place in Oppressed World but she serves to the policy of the imperialist countries.

Turkey’s foreign policy too, just like its domestic policy had been unfamiliarized to its position in the world and to its own people. This is the basic reason of all fails in our country’s foreign policy and approaching at the threshold of civil turmoils.

We are supposed to determine the source of the civil turmoil thread in a clear way. This threat does not come from Oppressed World countries in our south. The source of threat is the inclination of undertaking the subcontraction of USA imperialism in the region. In this condition, Turkey is supposed to become conscious about its vanguard position in Oppressed World just like in the Liberation War years. The basic angle of view of Turkey’s independent and honourable foreign policy which will save its future is to have the consciousness of oppressed country.

2. Not Theocracy or Nationalism but Worldly Consciousness and Labouring Fraternity
Today, Theocracy and Nationalism is essentially serving to the globalizing process of imperialism. Especially, in a country like Turkey which is in the centre of Balkans, Caucasia and the Middle East triangle in multinational and multisects character; Theocracy and Nationalism is playing in discriminating roles both at home and abroad. Theocracy and Nationalism dissolves the unity of Turks, Kurds, Sunnis and Alawis at home and as for abroad, it brings up artificial discriminations and enmities between the people of Turkey and its neighbours and also world peoples. A foreign policy based on theocratic and nationalist view can not realise and safeguard the independancy and unity of Turkey; can not serve to world peace and blocks the progress of our people enlightened and democratic future.

Because of these reasons, Turkey must follow a line in foreign policy not theocratic but laic, not nationalists but worldly and patriotic one; she must defend labouring fraternity against imperialism and exploitation. Masses of people must be trained and provided with this consciousness.

3. Solidarity with World Countries and Peoples Against Imperialism and Hegemony
Turkey must support the struggles of world peoples and oppressed nations against imperialism, exploitation, racism, hegemony and every kind of reactionary; must defend self-determination rights of nations.

It must be assumed a decisive manner against rivalry, occupying, invading and intervention actions. 

Turkey must actively support the struggle acted by Oppressed World especially Middle East, Caucasian, Central Asian and Balkan countries besides to save themselves off the debts against imperialism, to safeguard their own energy sources, to end unequal trading in international trade and to nationalize the foreign capital, to organize economic and political organizations and to develop the cultural relations among them and actively support the organizations organized for these purposes and also must join in them.

Turkey must be in solidaration with the struggle acted by Palestinian people against imperialism and Israeli Zionism for their national rights and must support processes which serve to the Arabian countries’ unity.

The struggle acted by Cuba to end USA embargo must be supported.

4. Breaking off the Imperialist-Capitalist system
The imperialist-capitalist system is corrupting and collapsing. The way of advancing is not integrating with a corrupting system or trying to catch it but is for radical breaking off that system. Capitalist West is not the centre of advancing like in 18th century but is the centre of backwardness. Its seem as advanced is an expression of the imperialist ideological oppression and an illusion left by the past in memory and is not to see the future.

It must be put an end to every kind of oppression, exploitation and inspection of imperialism over Turkey, our country must be saved from becoming a part of capitalist world system. So, national economy must be met with independent development opportunities, saving off production, consummation and technology patterns by division of labour, alteration and sharing relations imposed by world market to oppressed countries. The value of this policy should be understood in 21st century.

Turkey must refuse to pay its foreign debts providing necessary solidarity and terms. Foreign debts had been extremely paid. There are samples of this application in the world.

5. Staying out of Imperialist-Capitalist integrations such as European Union
Taking part in the European Union and entering in European Customs Union today is a mortgage put over the future of Turkey. Turkey should reinforce its position in oppressed polar of the imperialist-capitalist system and should give up from drawing an independent and free future for herself by entering in the European Union. Our country must not take place in any capitalist integration including Europe.

6. It must be going out NATO, it must not be permitted to foreign base and soldier
Turkey must go out NATO, it must not take part in another imperialist military alliance. It must not be permitted to foreign base and soldier in our land. Turkey must not receive any imperialist aggression against her neighbours, the known and unknown imperialist military treaties must be cancelled.

It must be refused foreign policies and defence concepts which can make our country a part in hegemony struggle and inter-imperialists rivalry in world wide.

7. Lasting peace and purification the world from the Nuclear Arms
Turkey must oppose the war policies resourced from invading nature and armament of imperialist countries; must struggle for a permanent and lasting peace with world peoples; must exhibit active effort for purification of the world from nuclear arms and must support all attempts in this direction. All nuclear arms must totally be destroyed.

Real source of nuclear threat is nuclear monopolies of big imperialist states including USA in lead. Therefore, in the struggle against nuclear arms, nuclear monopoly attempts of USA and other super states must be taken as target.

Nuclear technology and genetic technology must be taken under international inspection by means of organizations which oppressed world is effective for safeguarding the peace, human health and the nature.

8. Living altogether in peace
Turkey must exhibit effort to develop relations which rely on mutual respect to independency, sovereignty and land integrity and the principles of nonagression, non-intervention into domestic affairs, equality and mutual benefit and living altogether in peace with all countries of the world.

Turkey must object to solving international problems by force, must not try to military interventions out of her borders and especially must follow an active policy to develop peace relations with her neighbours.

9. Evaluating the contradictions among Super States for Independency and Peace
Rivalry of the hegemony among super states and contradictions in Riches’ Club of the North provide large foreign political opportunities and open maneuver areas for countries which take place in a geography where sharing fight is getting hot such as Turkey. Turkey must evaluate these contradictions, not taking part in polarization among imperialist super states and not falling in part position against her neighbours, for independency, sovereignty, security and peace.

The imperialist policy of imputing the contradictions into the Oppressed World of the South, should be responded by the policy of imputing the contradictions into the imperialist world.


10. Decisive attitude against New World Order
Turkey is supposed to take a decisive attitude against New World Order which destroys its internal market and removes the foundation of state independency. This is the basic policy to block the dragging Turkey into slaughtering of nationalism and sect by the imperialist states.

11. Emergency Brotherhood Solution to the Kurdish Question, Constitutional Principles and Policies of Liberation War
Kurdish question is forming a mortgage over the foreign policy of Turkey. Bringing peaceful solving with equality, freedom, fraternity and volunteer unit principles will leave this mortgage over foreign policy and will provide the allotment opportunity of a source of billions dollars spent to bleed blood of brothers every year to needs of society.

Kurdish question will be globalized and will continue to become the ground of imperialist intervention whenever it stays as Kurdish question. When Kurdish question is taken into consideration in the view of its reality as Turkish question at the same time, only that time, it is open peaceful and lasting way of solution.

To solve the Kurdish question we have an experimentation behind us experienced and succeeded. Constitutional principles and policies of Liberation War which are left later on and covered are unique historical source for unity and brotherhood solving.

These principles and policies can not be explained only for the necessity of those terms. In fact, that solution is dictated by realities of Turkey. However, besides its causes, the constitutional principles in Liberation War, was left after 1923. The result is clear. Denial of “Kurdish Reality” and the accumulated invoice of oppression policy during all Republican history is paying today by dependency to imperialism, blood of brothers, fascist climbing, theocratic threat of Sheriat, economic destruction, social depression, cultural corruption in return of coming on the threshold of bloody adventures abroad. The most important one is the interfering of imperialists into Kurdish question and pushing Turkey again into process in 1919.

Regulations and declarations of Erzurum and Sivas Congresses, minutes of Amasya Interview, Mustafa Kemal’s speeches which explain the essentials fixed in these documents and official explanations of İsmet Pasha in Lausanne brings up the essential principals of solution to Kurdish question, then:

The solution to Kurdish question in the Liberation War era relies on living together by their free will uniting in identification of citizen of Turkey on their common country of Turks and Kurds who have common benefit and future, founding a common parliament and government, mutual respecting to national rights and brotherhood essentials, in brief..* 

12. Poised Hammer must leave our lands and USA bases must be removed
Poised Hammer which is a means of an imperialist threat and an actual oppression over Turkey and all Middle Eastern countries, must immediately be removed from the lands of our country, USA bases including İncirlik must be removed.

13. Embargo over Iraq must be removed
The economic fail of Turkey because of her taking part in embargo over Iraq by USA oppression is computed as 50 billion dollar as total in five years. As for foreign debt of our country, it is 70 billion dollar. Turkey destructs not only Iraq economy but also her own economy.

Turkey must end the application of embargo over Iraq by independent decision. Our country must actively support the venture of removing embargo over Iraq by France, China and Russia in United Nations. Even this venture is opposed by USA veto, Turkey must not accept this veto, must save her economic relations with Iraq off USA inspection and must refresh them. So, it should be possible empowering of the regional economies on mutual benefit ground and USA intervention which uses Kurdish question to set at loggerheads the regional countries, should be weakened.

14. Regional Countries and Peaceful Solution Altogether with Kurdish Organizations
It must be taken a decisive attitude against initiative and intervention of the imperialist states in conflicts resourced from the Kurdish question on the Middle East plane. Contradictions and questions in region must be solved by peaceful way and negotiations in an understanding watching mutual rights and benefits on the ground of regional peoples’ common advantage by participation of Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Kurdish organizations but excluding imperialist states. This solution defended by Workers Party had created echo in the regional countries. 

In conflicts among the regional countries, it must be followed a policy which does not have any opportunity of imputing the Kurdish question to each others.

15. No to USA Subcontraction in the Region
It must be taken a decisive attitude against USA imposition of subcontraction, out post and battering-ram roles in the Middle East, Caucasia and Balkans to Turkey, and it must be given assurance to the regional countries on this matter.

Turkey must end armament for the sake of “intervention into crisis areas” on behalf of USA, must limit her defence expenditures to safeguard independency and so must allocate the economised sources to people’s need.

16. Evaluating Oil and Water Sources to Strengthen the Peace and Friendship Among Regional Countries and Peoples
Sweet waters sources will gain a strategical character in 21st century, just like oil. Therefore, it is being drafting “Water Wars” scenarios which are given roles to Turkey too, in the centres of imperialism. Our country has rich water sources. As for our Southern neighbours, they have rich oil sources. It must be followed an active and building policy which contributes in evaluating water and oil sources of regional countries to develop their economies on the ground of mutual advantage and to strengthen the peace and friendship among them.

17. Decisive Attitude Against National and Religious Slaughtering, Active Peaceful Policy and Fraternity Model from Balkans to Pacific
New World Order is inciting the sharing fights, national slaughtering and tumults in the World of Oppressed and in the area from Balkan to Pacific in spite of its prediction of stability and peace in the imperialist Richs’s Club.

Turkey had been caught in whirlpool of an historical wrong being a part in national and religious skirmishes resourced from invading policy of big imperialist states in Balkans and Caucasia. This policy includes dimensions which should crush national and sectarian mosaic of our country and pulls Turkey into hegemony skirnishes among big countries just like in First World War era.

Turkey must immediately leave this imperialist collaborating policy which is a part in polarizations around herself and pulls her into chaos and must follow an active foreign policy inclined to reconcile regional countries and peoples. Peace and brotherhood must be defended against the New World Order which set peoples and countries at logger heads in Disorder Geography from Balkans to Pacific.

Turkey has the chance to create a model of brotherhood for Disorder Geography, solving Kurdish question by principles of freedom and volunteer units. This kind of a solution, carries a regional and universal value beyond the enlightenment of people of Turkey. Turkey is in key position in the region subject to inter imperialists sharing fights from Balkans to Pacific Ocean. A part of almost all the peoples who had been pushed into national and religions wars in Balkans, Caucasia and Middle East is living in our country. A part of Bosnian, Greek, Albanian, Macedonian , Pomac in Bulgaria, Azeri, Armenian, Georgian, Circassian, Abhaz, Chechen, Ingush, Kurd, Arab an Turkic peoples of Central Asia are living in our country. A brotherhood model which should be realised in Turkey can form a sample for peaceful solution of the conflicts in all Disorder Geography. Turkey has dynamics to ignite the fire of unity and struggle against discrimination of imperialism such as in the liberation War Era. Our country can present a great contribution to humanity for playing this vanguard role inherited from its history, geography and especially from its democratic accumulation.

18. Asian Security and Peace Chain
Our country has common interests with Caucasian countries such as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Iran and also with Turkic republics of the Central Asia and Korean Democratic People’s Republic and other oppressed countries of Asia. These countries are in target positions of imperialist sharing fight. Solidarity and collaboration with them is conditional for independent foreign policy of Turkey.

Proposal of President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan as “Asian Security and Collaboration which embrace Asian countries from China to Turkey Council” must actively be supported.

Diplomatic relation with Korean Democratic People’s Republic must be connected as soon as possible and the plan of “Dual System, dual government, single state” presented by this country unification of Korea, must be supported.

19. Solidarity with Turkic Republics and The Kurdish Peoples
Turkey must develop her relations with Caucasian and Middle East countries, not as subcontractor of USA but on behalf of herself and on ground of equality and common advantage on every field. In this context, Turkish peoples’ bounds of language and culture inherited from history must be evaluated according to the perspective of solidarity of oppresseds against imperialism for democratic purposes.

Again, in harmony with friendship understanding with Iraq, Iran, Syria and Russia, live relations must be developed with Kurdish peoples who live in those countries on every field.

For drainage of Caucasian oils to Mediterranean, solutions convenient to common benefits, peace and security but excluding imperialist intervention and inspection among regional countries, must be found.

20. Peace and Friendship on the Ground of Mutual Advantage and Collaboration in Aegea
Aegea is a sea which has exceptional terms. Therefore, application of 12 miles principle which is anticipated by international treaties, in Aegea is not convenient to justice and peace. Turkey and Greece are supposed to find a peaceful solution which watches mutual advantage in Aegean sea and airspace and should develop economic collaboration between two countries. Excluding Aegea from becoming the forms of conflict and transforming it into a friendship and collaboration sea which unites Turkey and Greece, is for advantage of each two countries.

21. A solution Which Breaks Imperialist Initiative and Unites Two Societies on Equality Ground in Cyprus
Every kind of foreign intervention to Cyprus especially by imperialist states’ interventions must be ended. Helping to two societies in Cyprus to find a common solution watching equality and mutual security is in favour of Turkey and world peoples.

* See monthly TEORI, February 1995, for documents related to “Emergency Brotherhood Solution to the Kurdish Question” and constitutional principles and policies of liberation war declared to public opinion by Workers’ Party on 14 January 1995 on this subject.



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on March 1, 1995

Nobody evaluates the European Customs Union from a narrow economic perspective. The big capitalist class has solidified its system preference by this treaty. To enter the union, in their words, is “to adopt a new way of living”.

One should begin with locating the issue into its proper place in Turkey’s hundred-year long history of Westernisation. Entering the union is a continuation of Tanzimat Reform movement which can be considered as the first significant step in the process of colonization; it is the last move in the line of Anglo-Ottoman Commerce Treaty.

At the beginning of this century, there were three states left in the colonial world in Latin America, Africa and Asia; namely the old feudal empires of Turkey, Persia and China. They were also getting colonised. Turkey was invaded in 1918 and being colonised. Realization of the “Customs Union” then has been interrupted by the October Revolution and by the Independence War of Turkey. Turkey has lost the “chance” of being colonised in 1919 with the War of Independence and nowadays the Çiller Government attempts to correct this historical error by destroying what is left of the Republican Revolution in the name of the New World Order. She calls Turkey as the “last socialist state” in the world.

Turkey, by entering the Union, strengthens her place at the oppressed pole in the capitalist-imperialist system. National development through capitalism was no longer possible since the second half of the 19th century. Kemalist Revolution forced to open this closed door. The door which is opened for Turkey today is not the same door of enlightenment and democratisation. For an oppressed country like Turkey the last point of the European Customs Union process will not be a developed nation, but a colony. Therefore, those optimists who expect to be a partner of the developed world will realize in the future that they can only become servants of that world. This process will certainly make the existence of The State of Turkish Republic unnecessary. Since, if there exists no internal market to be protected, the state will be an unnecessary entity. 

Today the centre of capitalism represents reaction rather than progress. Imperialist -capitalist system has become a system of disaster not only for the majority of the world population but also for those living at the centre itself. System’s brutality, violence and narcotics corrupt the young generation. The system with spoiled young generation has no future. Man has becoming isolated, alienated and rotten. Greed for profit and sordid private interest made a hole at the roof of the planet we live in. It makes the habitat impossible to live in. The history of humanity has never witnessed such a destructive system before. Therefore, Turkey is integrating in corruption, tying itself to the last car of the train destined to calamity. She exposes her future to a great risk. 

The humankind when evaluating its past at the middle of the 21st century will recognize that to break with the system in the past would provide such a great opportunity. The assumption that the unrestricted integration with the world capital will bring democracy to Turkey is a mere illusion. To the contrary, this integration will destroy the democratic rights gained through centuries.

The bill of privatization which is an economic program of integration is one million additional unemployed people, and thousands of new prostitutes in 1994. Masters of the system declare with sincerity that this program can only be successfully implemented by police force. “Democracy and human rights” propagated by the USA and Europe are only for the religious and retrogressive nationalists movements. It is not for the workers, public employees and the peasants. What a democracy! Unlimited integration with the world capitalism will bring unemployment, poverty and corruption to the Turkish people. Industralists producing for the home market and other fractions of the capital which exploit the internal market will get their share from the accompanying destruction, as well.

The consequences of the freedom campaigns supported by the Western countries to religious movements and slaughtering of nations under the banner of “human rights” are not yet all revealed. It seems that the aftermath of the Gulf War has not been educative enough. We all have seen the “freedom” provided by the West to the Iraqi Kurds. Kurds are killing Kurds unendingly.

The New World Order predicts chaos and destruction in the oppressed countries. Hence CIA and the world press analyse that Turkey is leading towards a chaos. This is the bitter reality which is concealed.

It is clear that neither the Turkish people nor the humankind will not surrender to the New World Order. Otherwise, it will be the end of humanity.

Freedom and democracy will be won in the process of fighting against the Western imperialism. Turkish people possesses the necessary historical accumulation to play a vanguard role in this world-wide struggle. Labour movements have been coming in waves since 1989 spring. Their determination to fight against the integration indicates that the work of the proponents of globalization is rather difficult in Turkey. 



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on July 29, 1995

Turkey’s Balkan policy has gone bankrupt. Worse, Turkey, by supporting Yugoslavia’s Sevres*, served her Sevres as well. Tearful propaganda on the Bosnian tragedy and campaigns like the “Chain of Peace” cannot and should not be permitted to conceal this fact.

Yugoslavia has been divided by imperialist powers. First, the old habits of German Imperialism reappeared. They provoked Croatian fascists as part of a plan to control Eastern Europe. Ustashis killed around 30,000 Serbs in a single night. This, in turn, started the Yugoslav nations slaughtering each other. The USA came onto the scene. In the milieu of insecurity and rising nationalism, she provoked the Bosnians. Hence, this Sevres process gained momentum.

Imperialism is destroying almost everything that humanity gained through socialism and independence wars throughout the 20th century. The ultimate goal of the New World Order is unlimited integration of national markets into the world capitalist market. Nation states that resist this process must be destroyed. Yugoslavia, like Iraq, Iran and Turkey were the important obstacles in the process of globalization.

Yugoslavia and Iraq have been divided. Threats against Iran are strengthening. Alternatives dictated to Turkey are either disintegration or acceptance of the role of the USA’s subcontractor in the region. In fact, both alternatives converge; Sevres either through internal fights among nations and the religious sects or through adventures beyond the borders.

Turkey, by accepting the role given to her by the USA in the disintegration process of Yugoslavia, has made an irrevocable mistake. Those dividing Balkans are the same powers which divided Middle East in the First World War. They are also dividing Caucasus today. The War of Independence of Turkey defeated the imperialist aggressors and resisted the division of Anatolia. Now, she is on the agenda of the New World Order. Those destroying the gains of socialism in Yugoslavia are also destroying the gains of War of Independence and Republican Revolution in Turkey. Those governing Turkey today seem to be unaware of this relationship. This, however, is understandable; they are also the proponents of globalization. They contributed to the disintegration of Yugoslavia, just as they bowed to the imposition of embargo on Iraq, as they supported Operation “Provide Comfort” and the “Poised Hammer” and fostering the creation of a puppet Kurdish State in Northern Iraq. They all are different aspects of the same globalization policies. This policy will lead Turkey to Sevres. Once a crack occurs in a sheet of glass, it spreads all over its surface. Disintegration in the Balkans and in the Caucausia will have effects in Turkey. Anatolia is a bridge between these two peninsulas. Repercussions of the tragedies in the Balkans and in the Caucausia have always been felt in Anatolia. Sevres in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Iran will be followed by the Sevres in Turkey. Turkey, with her policies, has burned Yugoslavia, Bosnia and herself.

Turkey attempts to correct her mistake by making ever graver errors. She demands deeper and permanent interference by the West in Yugoslavia. The very question is the bitter fruit of the interference by the West. More effective interference will draw Turkey closer to Sevres.

Once, an alternative existed. Turkey should have stood against all disintegrative processes, in this “Geography of Chaos”, extending from the Balkans to the Pacific. She should have undertaken an active role as unifier and peacemaker among the peoples of different nations and religions. Her close ties with Imperialism prevented her from playing such a positive role. This situation cannot be endured any longer; to take sides in these slaughtering places Turkey in the midst of US policies. Possible results of becoming more beholden to the USA are well known. The USA awaits for that day. If Turkey insists upon this policy, she will later be forced to patronize the puppet state to be established in Northern Iraq and fall into a trap. This trap is to act as a subcontractor for the USA in three regions: the Balkans, Caucasia and the Middle East. The consequence will be fierce and bloody wars with the countries of the region and the tragedies which such wars.

Therefore, Turkey has to abandon her policy deepening the conflicts among the Balkan peoples and nations. This must be done immediately. Turkey has to support re-unification process of Yugoslavia on the basis of freedom and equality. She has to undertake an active peace-making role among oppressed nations and peoples. By solving the Kurdish problem on the basis of freedom, equality and a voluntary union we should create an example of brotherhood and a model alternative to the Geography of Chaos. A labour movement embodies the solutions which imply freedom, equality and voluntary unity. 

The New World Order demands us to be: more genuine Croats, more genuine Serbs, more genuine Macedonians, more genuine Albanians, more genuine Georgians, more genuine Armenians, more genuine Turks, more genuine Kurds, more genuine Abkhazians, more genuine Azerbaijanis, more genuine Sunnis, more genuine Alavites. Such ideological identities are the identities of a nationalist bourgeois ideology. These identities are scattered. The real identity is class identity. It is the universal one. The peoples of the Geography of Chaos, which spreads from Balkans to Pacific, will liberate themselves from this confusion by realizing the universal vein that unites them all. Here lies a great historical role for the Turkish people to play, as they did in 1919-23.

* The Treaty of Sevres: According to this treaty, signed on 10th, August, 1920 between the Ottoman Empire and imperialist states at the end of the First World War, Turkey was divided and invaded by the imperialists countries. The anti-imperialist Liberation War freed Turkey from this treaty.



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on February 24, 1996

There is nobody left unknowing Samuel Huntington, one of the well-known theorists of the New World Order. His Clashes of Civilizations, that is appreciated as the “most remarkable thesis of the Post-Cold War Period”, now comes to be spoken almost all over the five continents. However, this is not because of the deepness of the Huntington’s analysis, but of the political force behind itself. The article was published in Foreign Affairs, the semi-official publication organ of the US Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The overall content of the article and the debates that have been broken about, facilitate our understanding of the New World Order politics. 

In fact, Huntington divides the world into two: On one side, the West representing the USA-Europe alliance, and the rest of the world on the other. ‘The War of Civilizations’ analysis provides a strategy for the USA. According to this strategy, the main enemies are the People’s Republic of China and the Middle Eastern countries, that is, so-called “Confucianism-Islam” connection. Although Japan and Russia are considered as rivals, in the final instance they are regarded as the forces whose friendship is to be won against People’s Republic of China and the Islamic countries. In the face of her rapid growth and of her potential power, however, Huntington does not keep any hope for overcoming China. Related to this strategic enemy, any expectations towards the interests of the West, beyond establishing certain balance of forces in between, are not considered as realistic.

Western media has been focusing upon “Chinese Miracle”, for a certain time. Here, there exist both admiration and vehemence. Today, everybody sees the following reality: In the schema of the power relations of the 21st century-world, the importance of the Chinese factor is far beyond the predictions of the past 20 years and even of the past 5-10 years. Besides these, the centre of the world trade and the competition shift to the Pacific Region. Thus, in all cases every power in the region has to define its policy towards China.

Forty-seven years ago, China was the poorest country in the world. Today, she is at the third place in overall world production. And, in the first quarter of the 21st century, she is expected to take the first place. China, in a half century, has succeeded what capitalist countries did in several centuries. Whatever says everybody, this is the victory of socialism and the revolution. The Chinese Revolution created a free and well-educated human capital and established the infrastructure of today’s leap forward. Today, in capitalist countries the growth has come to the end. However, now China is witnessing the most rapid and the most long-ranged development of the world history. This is, at first, a development which liberates the labourers and changes the balance of forces in the world, in favour of the oppressed people. 

China’s socialist experience has once more revealed that the most productive force is not the machines but the working class itself. In addition, this experience has also shown that the revolution is not only for the demolition of the old regime but for the constitution of the new revolutionist class that will establish the new regime. If there had been no revolution in China, there would not have been the Chinese labourer today. If there had been no such a revolutionary class, there would not have been “Chinese Miracle” today. It is the revolution and the man that the practice of revolution has created. It is the people as the founder of the new society, which distinguishes China from her neighbours from the capitalist world such as Afghanistan, Pakistan. China has entered a new era in a half century and leaped forward.

This is not only China’s, but overall humanity’s success! China via socialism, while extending over the 8% of the world’s total area, feeds 25% of the overall world population. What is more important, Chinese Revolution has created a self-respecting individual having a distinctive personality and the people persisting against imperialism. Chinese experience also provides us with a very important practical and theoretical heritage within the context of class struggles during the process of the establishment of the socialism. Vanguard under the leadership of Mao, although being at the top of the state and the Party, had led the most advanced practice of democracy throughout the history, through mobilizing the ordinary labouring masses against the degeneration process within the state apparatus and the Party. 

Every socialism bears the dangers of capitalist restoration. The threat towards restoration of capitalism is because of the very nature of the socialism. Class struggle never last during the whole socialism period. China will go further via experiencing and resolving this contradiction. However, it is interesting that today most of the socialists in the world leave themselves apart from China’s remarkable successes. Certain circuits of the socialists, after the defeats of Soviet Union and the Eastern Europe, have lost their strength to propagandize the successes of the socialism. 

If we look from Turkey’s standpoint, as also recognized by the imperialist ideologists themselves, China is the major obstacle against the New World Order. Whether we like China’s socialism or not, this fact itself is enough to understand that China, today, is the fortress of the world revolution. Huntington considers Turkey as among the “divided countries,” besides Yugoslavia and Russia. Huntington also states that the geography extending from Yugoslavia to the Central Asia, will be setting for serious disorder And some American theorists, in an article again published in Foreign Affairs, see Turkey as one of the “axis countries”, that are candidates for disorder. “Divided” Turkey of the Geography of Chaos, to block the threat from the New World Order, must be in solidarity with China and the Oppressed World. This is an inevitable fact. Central Asian Turkic Republics can play a bridgehead role in establishment of this solidarity. Besides, Turkey has potential friends such as Yugoslavia and Russia, that are also seen as divided countries. However, the pro-American collaborationist government undertaking the role of Washington’s subcontractor, takes part in dangerous and risky confrontations with these countries. 

At the beginning of this century, in the suitable conditions created by 1917 Revolution, Turkey had been able to drive back the attacks of the imperialism and succeeded the Republican Revolution. And, now at the end of this century, the future of our country converges again with the successes of the socialism. In the equation of independent Turkey, China has a distinguished place. Thus, China, for the Turkish People, is an important force not only from the standpoint of socialism but also of independence. Any patriot can easily grasp this fact. 



This speech was addressed during the international meeting of the solidarity with Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea in Lisbon in May, 1993

Dear Friends;

On behalf of the Workers’ Party of Turkey I am greeting the World Conference in favour of the Korean People’s Cause for Peace, Security, Sovereignty and Reunification.

This conference is now on the agenda of our globe, since the Korean Peninsula has become the leading front in the struggle of the oppressed peoples for peace, freedom and independency.

After the disintegration of its rival, the Soviet Union, the USA has now turned to the socialist states and the oppressed world called “the South” to seek its imperialistic goals. DPR of Korea is now on the top of the target list of the USA. Hence it is a must for all the anti-imperialistic powers to be in solidarity with DPR of Korea. In this critical situation we are all Korean, Cuban, Middle-Asian, Caucasian, Balkanian.

Now we are going through the so-called process of globalization. The supposed the “New World Order” has now being understood with all its clarity. While the imperialist states of the North are unifying and integrating, the countries controlled by the former Soviet Union and the oppressed world are being pushed into a process of splitting and disintegration. Globalization means unification for the North, but disintegration for the South.

The gains of the oppressed world in the struggle against imperialism and colonialism now face with a heavy imperialistic attack. The independency of the southern countries is threatened by the imperialists. Therefore there is a process of compradorization in the bourgeoisie of these countries.

The cause of peace, independence and reunification of Korean people is an important obstacle on the way of Imperialism. From this point of view the struggle of DPR of Korea and South Korean people against Imperialism and Seoul-regime is an active support for the peoples of the world.

We -as the Workers’ Party and as the People of Turkey- are giving support to the Korean people under the leadership of Workers’ Party of Korea in the struggle for reunification through confederation. Therefore the proposal of the great revolutionary leader Kim il Sung based on the principle “one nation, one state, two systems, two governments” expresses also the longing of the peoples for a better world.

The USA demands for nuclear research in DPR of Korea is an imperialistic demand. Having deployed their nuclear weapons in South Korean bases, this demand can only be regarded as hypocrisy and aggression. Using the United Nation as an instrument of its imperialistic interests, the USA wants to intervene into the internal affairs of independent states. This impudence can never be forgiven.

Both Korea and Turkey are peninsulas; one at the west, and the other at the east end of Asia. The Turkish government sent a brigade to Korea in 1951 . We have suffered a lot from the alliance with the USA.

People of Turkey fought against imperialism at the beginning of this century. We have a historical heritage of struggle against imperialism.

I would like to end up my speech by emphasizing that Turkish people will certainly contribute more and more to the anti-imperialist struggle which will rise on the way towards 2000s.



This interview with Workers Party Chairman Doğu Perinçek, was published in Turkish Daily News on September 16, 1996

What the Workers’ Party (IP) has sought from this trip to Russia, North Korea and China is to promote alternatives to a spirit of capitulationism that seized Turkey’s ruling circles since last December.

“Turkey and the United States have bonds of destiny,” became a popular expression. We have come at loggerheads with all our neighbors. Iran, Syria, Iraq... On top of that, tensions with Russia over routes for the projected oil and natural gas pipelines... We already have long standing problems in the west, with Greece over the Aegean and Cyprus. All these contributed to the view that “Turkey’s only natural allies are the United States and Israel. This is the only foreign policy option for Turkey.” Hence the Turkish-U.S.. Turkish-Israeli agreements. Ankara’s marching in step with Washington’s scenarios for the Kurds... We, as the IP, say that there is in fact an alternative option: The Eurasian option.

In fact under the prevailing conditions in the world, Turkey has extraordinary policy options. First of all, Turkey is a country with a long history and a wealth of experience. It has been a cradle for great empires. It has a geography, which at one time made it the centre of the world. So, there is a cultural, historical heritage that it possesses. Secondly the Liberation War (against the World War I victors) and the Republican revolution have given it a tradition of dignity and pride. If this cultural, historical background is made good use of, Turkey can live independently and proudly with its current economic potential and human resources it possesses today. And it can open whole new horizons for its economy.

Here, the role of Eurasia is very important. When we say Eurasia, we mean a vast geography extending from Eastern Europe to the Pacific. An area incorporating such countries with considerable weight as China, Russia, India and where Turkey has natural allies.

And if Turkey can make use of this Eurasia card, it will become strengthened in its relations with Western Europe and the United States. It will gain manoeuvring space, bargaining power. Because Turkey is taking part in a geography which is broken up and divided. It is a country which itself is being divided us. We see that after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the lands which used to be its sphere of infuence are now divided up between others. The struggle is about who gets them, who controls them. Here are countries which are divided and divided again. Like Russia, like Yugoslavia, like Czechoslovakia which is divided into two, like Iraq which is divided into two, like Iran which they want to divide into three; like China where they want to stir up nationalism, like (North) Korea which is a main target for the United States; like India, where they try to stir micro-nationalism among its diverse peoples, and Turkey is a country like them.

Turkey’s alliance with the United States is no guarantee against dismemberment. Yugoslavia also had chose relations with the United States. Bu it was broken up. In Turkey nowadays the Kurdish problem is employed as a threat. Turkey is not allowed to solve its Kurdish problem. Because the moment it does, it will have a free hand.

Turkey’s natural allies, therefore are the countries, which, like itself, are the targets of the new world order: Russia, Iran, China, India, Korea and all the Asian countries and East European countries..

TDN: Can I interrupt? You say these are all natural allies, but Turkey does not see many as such. Russia, most decidedly. Iran. China excepted may be. Turkish politicians speak about a chain of alliances, mostly with Muslim republics of Asia, extending up to China. It entails competition and clash of interests, with Russia, with Iran.

PERİNÇEK: Good point. Now, if we look at Turkey’s foreign relations, we see that some of the disputes with the neighbours have real grounds, while some are artificial. For instance, the confrontation between Turkey and Iran is one staged and provoked by the United States. Our disputes with Russia are primarily based on competition for the pipeline routes, or, in other words, based on clash of economic interests.

TDN: But isn’t the confrontation with Russia has other components as well. Like nationalism. The Turkic republics...

PERİNÇEK: I think this rivalry is again artificially created by the United States. The competition between Russia and Turkey over the Turkic republics is not based on a real clash of interests. The one over oil and natural gas pipelines, however is so.

TDN: But isn’t this rather an economist look? After all, Turkey hopes to get a few hundred million dollars out of the pipeline projects, whereas it hunts much bigger gains, economic and political, from closer ties with its “cousins.”

PERİNÇEK: But on the other hand one has to calculate the cost of a confrontation with Russia. This will entail a much heavier bill. There are two ways to approach this issue. Either you resolve this amicably, by sitting down with Russia and negotiating how to share the pipelines, or, through a frontal confrontation as Washington is pushing us to.

Now, when we look at Turkey’s interests on a global scale, I think we have to reach an agreement with Russia. Just think: the (unregistered) “suitcase trade” by Russian tourists adds up to such big sums as $5 billion. Our economic relations with Russia have an immense potential for development.

So I think a cooperation is in the interest of both sides-no matter who rules Russia, be him Yeltsin whom we as the IP are totally opposed to, or (Communist leader Gennady) Zhuganov, or others-like in the days of our Liberation War. We have to base Turkey’s foreign policy on these common interests and choose conciliation instead of confrontation.

TDN: You say that the United States is provoking Turkey to confront Russia, but others say the opposite: that Washington is overruling Turkey so that its own ties with Moscow will not come to harm. There is the talk of a “new Yalta.”

PERİNÇEK: First of all, the United States has taken Russia into its palm through Yeltsin. And it has radically increased its control over Turkey through (late President) Turgut Özal and Tansu Çiller. Despite this, it does not want a complete harmony between its two allies-Russia and Turkey. Because, dependence of both on the United States strengthens its hand. It can play the referee, can decide where these pipelines will ultimately pass, only, if Russia and Turkey oppose each other. If the two draw closer, they can turn and confront the United States. Both countries are important powers. Russia is the second strongest military power. And its is still one of the top four powers, together with the United States, Europe and Japan. Turkey, for its part, is an important power in the Middle East. Therefore the United States never wishes these two powers to come closer.

Another important point is this: The United States wants Turkey to serve as a bridge to the Turkic republics in central Asia. These states are both Turkic and Islamic. And these countries are very important. With their vast mineral reserves, their oil and natural gas deposits, they are at the focus of the ongoing competition for influence in the world. Here, Turkey can play two alternative roles: It can either play the role of a vassal and be a surrogate for the United States. This will inevitably bring it into fight with both Russia and China. Because this area is not only the former turf of Russia, but it is also what the United States sees as China’s soft underbelly. It is trying to meddle with the East Turkistan problem and such from that area.

So, we, as the IP, prefer the other option for Turkey, a policy that will bring Turkey not in conflict, but in harmony with Russia and China, a policy that would not bring it into clash with third countries while developing friendship and alliances with the Turkic states.

We do not have the left’s traditional complex about Pan-Turanism. It is very important for Turkey to forge closer ties with these Turkic states in central Asia. It is a must. But it should also be kept in mind that Russia and China are also natural allies for these countries. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kirghizia, Azerbaijan... They all have very close economic relations with Russia, since they were parts of the former Soviet Union. Now it is very difficult to tear them apart from Russia economically. Besides, none of these countries has any problem with China and their confrontation with China serves nobody’s interests but those of the United States.

Hence, Turkey’s assuming the task of turning them into American bases is neither natural, nor in the interest of these countries. This can only hamper Turkey’s efforts to forge solid ties with them.

Coming back to your question, of course, there are problems between all neighbouring countries. But for Turkey, there now exists possibilities for the settlement of these problems through peaceful processes, with mutual understanding and on the basis of mutual interests.

In fact this has become a necessity for Turkey with regard to the Kurdish problem. The four Middle Eastern countries which harbour Kurdish populations-i.e. Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria-follow narrow-scoped nationalistic policies which aim to burden each other with the Kurdish problem. This damages the interests of everyone of them, as well as those of the Kurdish people, which is passing from hand to hand as a trump. Such policies also create the bases for foreign interference, for the globalization of the Kurdish problem. These are reason enough for Turkey to develop joint strategies with its neighbours concerning this issue.

All in all, we see that creating an Eurasian option as a foreign policy alternative as become very important. This, in fact, resembles the post-World War I era. The Saadabad pact (in the Middle East), the Balkan Pact, and the policy of getting along well wit the neighbour in the north. The country’s Liberation War and its hard won independence had been based on this equation. Now, that equation is also valid for today. 

Besides, as added advantange, now there is such a power as China. This country is to be one of the leading powers of the world in the 21st century. Even today, if you take away China, the world will regress. China’s growth rate is 12 percent, compared to an average two percent for the whole world. China is providing three percent growth to the world economy. So, take out China, and you have a regression of one point.

In the years 2015, China will be the world leader in industrial production. It’s the West which says that. And China wants a global climate of peace. Because it has attained a very special pace for development and it wants peace and stability in the world in order to keep up this pace and continue its economic growth. Now Turkey can make good use of this weight. Because there are no problems between Turkey and China. There are, on the other hand, great prospects for political and economic cooperation. 

All in all, our motive for this trip was an exchange of views with Russia, China, the Korean Democratic People’s Republic and the Turkic states of Central Asia on this Eurasian option.

We had also an invitation from Kazakhstan’s ruling Socialist party led by President Nursultan Nazarbayev. We could not find a plane with a suitable schedule from China to go there but our next trip will be to these Turkic republics in Central Asia. 
In this trip we had talks with the officials and the mainstream parties, centering on this subject. In Russia, we met with Zhuganov on August 2. Zhuganov’s Communist Party of Russian Federation is the largest party in the parliament and he narrowly lost the recent presidential election. But it can influence the country’s foreign policy to some extent through the parliament’s foreign relations commission. I found out that Zhuganov enthusiastically supports this Eurasian option, saying both Russia and Turkey have to choose that. Turkey becoming a party to the Chechen problem and Russia being a party to the Kurdish problem, America’s role starts here, he says. Russia and Turkey will look at each other as suspect powers out to exploit their ethnic problems. He says this is an utterly wrong policy. 

TDN: Have you seen a marked difference in this respect from the policy of the former communist party of the Soviet Union. Because in the past you would accuse Soviet Union of “social imperialism”. Do you think he feels free to say all these because he is not in power yet, or do you think this is a result of an ideological self-criticism? Could you see strong, persuasive evidence that those neo-colonialist policies have been discarded?

PERİNÇEK: While in Moscow, I attended a plenary of 24 communist parties-of CIS. We were the only foreign party. There are numerous communist parties in Russia now, and many are members of one umbrella party. First, we met with officials of Zhuganov’s Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Secondly with Shenyin the only unrenegade member in the politburo of (former Soviet leader Mikhail) Gorbachev, I think, at one time he was No. 2 after Gorbachev. I met with him for three hours and attended the plenary of his umbrella party which includes Zhuganov’s Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and Viktor Turkin’s Russian Communist Workers’ Party.

Now, to answer your question: First of all, Russia is no longer in a position to compete with the United States for hegemony and splitting the world. It has been pushed towards the Third World. Instead of dividing the world, it has been reduced to being divided itself. This is very important. In some ways, this resembles the situation of Germany after the end of the World War. Like its division into zones of influence run by rival powers after its military defeat. Today, the Russians say themselves. “As a nation, we are in a life or death struggle for survival. Our culture, our history, everything is under bombardment. It is as if a steamroller is crushing us; we are in the defensive,” they say.

This reality of being in the defensive, this objective basis plays a determining role in the policies of all the communist parties and other important parties in Russia. Some of them, as you say, take important lessons from the imperialist and capitalist nature of the former Soviet Union. Criticising that, they adopt an anti-imperialist, social-internationalist line. Like the Russian Communist Workers’ Party, for instance.

Some others, starting out from the reality of Russia’s dismemberment, arrive at a platform where they see the oppressed peoples of the world and Asia as allies. They reason thus: “Under the current balances of power in the world, we cannot enter a military competition with the United States to divide up the world. No matter how strong we can be militarily, our economy is unable to support that. But we are waging a struggle for our own existence. To protect the Russian nation. To defend it against being totally Americanized, against becoming a vassal for the United States.” We can say, Zhuganov thinks along these lines.

TDN: But isn’t he, perhaps, a bit too reactive? For Zhuganov, if he is correctly translated, is irritated with Turkey’s efforts to forge ties with the Turkic republics. He still sees the Caucasus and the Turkic Republics as apples which need to be regathered in a basket as in the Soviet Union. Is the former boundaries of the Soviet Union sacred for Zhuyganov as well? Or does he support a balance between a Russia based on a Russian ethnicity to the measure it is possible, and a Turkey which can have close links with the Turkic republics?

PERİNÇEK: It’s a fact that in today’s Russia there is no political force which does not yearn for the former Soviet Union. But the name of Zhuganov’s party is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In other words, it is not in “Soviet” dimensions. Still, Zhuganov, too, defends a policy of maintaining close relations with the post-Soviet states, is averse to giving them up. But it is also a fact that among all the parties in Russia, it is the communist parties which are most friendly towards Turkey. In other words it is in Turkey’s interest that communist parties -named so despite their embrace of social democratic policies- take power in Russia. Because all these parties railing against the United States want to win Turkey over. And as a condition for that they see mutual detriment from fuelling ethnical differences, preventing the eruption of religious or sectarian differences in this shared geography, and their settlement through peaceful means. 

For instance, in the Chechen problem, the position of Zhuganov and other communist parties is for the recognition of Chechens’ rights within a unified state. But other parties feeling close to the United States defend heavy, repressive measures against the Chechens. Zhirinovsky and the like...

Be it Zhuganov, the Russian Communist Workers’ party or the umbrella Russian Communist Parties Union, they all see friendship with Turkey as an important aspect of foreign policy. But at the same time they feel distrust towards a Turkey with a vassal role for the united States. They want Turkey to follow a Central Asian policy independently of the United States, not one that confronts Russia or China, but one based on the interests of both sides. For after all, these oil and natural gas pipelines will pass through the territory of all the countries in the area, whether they end up in the Black Sea or the Mediterranean; whether over Turkey, or Georgia, or Russia. All these countries have to reach an agreement. They have to decide together. Such an approach as “I have profited; I imposed my own project,” is misleading, because a confrontation with Russia Entails costs for Turkey that outweigh any profits from the pipeline. People have already started saying openly that so long as Turkey is supporting the Chechen uprising, giving them money, and arms, why shouldn’t we use the Kurdish card? 

So, in the end, it is wrong, in relations with Russia, to rely on the pro-American Yeltsin and his successes. Because it is Yeltsin and his company who are a threat to Turkey’s security.

TDN: But Zhuganov is perceived as the real threat to Turkey’s security, because of his aspirations to regain the post-Soviet states back under Moscow’s fold. This implies a policy of disrupting the close relations Turkey is trying to forge with these countries and “punish” Turkey for that.

PERİNÇEK: No. Such reasoning is wrong as far as I can see. The forces which can harm Turkey’s interest most, are the pro-American forces; the Yeltsin supporters. The imperialist line will be their doing. Because these are parties furthest from the labour and relying on capital holders who have become mafia organizations. And the economic basis of Russia’s aggressiveness in its external relations is this big bourgeoisie which has become a mafia, which is no called the “new Russia.” Because of its economic structure, this clique has to be aggressive against the outside world. Conversely, other parties which base themselves on labor, on the other hand, have moved away from the class basis for a policy of aggression. 

But in general, the toilers have a longing for an internationalist unity, like in the Soviet Union.

TDN: So there is a longing for the former borders?

PERİNÇEK: Well, yes, to a certain extent. A longing, perhaps, for a union, not for what it will bring politically, but for living well together under the old frontiers. There is this kind of a longing among the Russian toilers. And why is this? Because, you go to Moscow, for instance, and you can but water melon only from an Azeri. There is the Azeri mafia, there is the Armenian mafia, Georgian mafia, Chechen mafia... So even in Moscow they have to find ways of living together with them. They have lived together, closely entwined for long years. They have such a legacy. Now, when they live together with the Azeri in Moscow, they have also to live together, get along well with Azerbaijan. There is a close link. So the toiler-based parties favour a softer, more peaceful foreign relations approach. So, Zhuganovs, Turkins, Shenins, in other words parties with communist names are most to the interests of Turkey.

Secondly, we visited China. But before that let me say that I was profoundly saddened by what I saw in Russia. It is as if a steamroller has run over the whole country. Here is a great chaos everywhere. And an air of sorrow permeates the place. All the values are trodden upon. Everything is going upside down. 

Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, in other words, the Great Russian culture, is now an object of derision. They are pushed to the sidelines. I couldn’t find records, cassettes of Tchaikovsky. Instead, they have taken American music. 

For us, they organized a little concert, at a side district of Moscow. Those artists, singers who used to perform in Bolshoi Theater, now perform to small audiences of 100-150 people in rundown neighbourhoods. But they do it in the same spirit, never compromising from their dignity. Still dressed in evening gowns or block tie. They are still the same great artists. But with their pay, they can only buy a few cakes of soap. The average lifespan has gone down to 50 years. People are now found dead in their homes. When I went there, a relative of our translator had been killed. I asked the reason, and he said he had nice glasses, which had been apparently stolen. In Moscow, now everyone rushes home after dark. Every night many people are murdered, There is a complete moral collapse. Prostitution is rampant. Everyone is sad. 

So, you can imagine how moved we were with this concert. I was moved to tears. They were acting like they were in Bolshoi Theatre in that rundown hall on a side street. In short, Russia is now undergoing a process of utter destruction. Of course, they will eventually find a way out, but for the next 10-15 years it is certain that they will live through tragedy and despair.

When we came to China, we saw exactly the opposite. A great morale, a great dynamism, a great liveliness.. I had made three earlier trips, the latest being in 1992. But now it is almost unrecognizable compared to only four years ago. The whole country is a big construction site. But what impresses most is the liveliness in the people. You go out at nights and people are dancing on the streets, or doing collective exercises. A great optimism in the people.. Well, of course, there is a gradual progress towards a consumption fever. But they have also built an economy with fast but balanced growth and they have devised means to distribute the rewards in a balanced way.

Things may change eventually, but I am personally convinced that for the next 15-20 years, nobody, either from the left or from the right, can tackle the present administration. It is one which totally satisfies the population and firmly holds the helm of the economy. For instance, they say the inflation had risen to 20 percent last year. They decided to push it down to below 10 percent. They have pushed the button, and the inflation went down to seven percent. The worker wages have risen by 15-20 percent. So even after deducing the inflation, there you have a net increase of about 10 percent. The villages were impressive. 

TDN: But there are reports that there is a growing rift between a newly-rich bourgeoisie made up of people working for foreign companies or employed in free ports etc, filling hotel lobbies and driving luxury cars and people living in slums in big cities.

PERİNÇEK: True, but there are benefits for everyone. For instance, they admit that there are 40 million people living under the world standard for poverty line. These make up about five percent of the whole population. But they say there will be not one single Chinese living below that standard after 10 years. There are those getting rich. But since the people in the bottom rungs also get rich, this collective enrichment brings some relief.

There is a very special growth. And for the world, the most important aspect is this. There you see the people shaped by socialism as a determining factor. There are theses which say China has attained so much growth because it allowed capitalism. But the true motor of this growth is the enlightened, dynamic population created by socialism. Secondly, it has created such an infrastructure that on it, anything will be successful. One can ask this: Why don’t we see a similarity impressive growth in India, in Pakistan or even in Turkey? So this is not a result of capitalism. 

Another important point: Eighty percent of China’s economy is based on state ownership or collective ownership. Private ownership accounts for only 10 percent of the economy. Chinese officials say they are not going to introduce privatization now or beyond 2000. They say the determining weight or role of the state in the economy will never change. This, they say, is the basis for socialism. They say there had been some mistakes in the past which caused adverse results, but these had been rectified now. There are arising from the rapid growth and opening to the world. They accept all these in a realistic way.

They say “when you open the window, fresh air comes in; but also some dust and flies.”

This September, the Chinese Communist Party will hold a congress with one single agenda item: preserving the moral values of socialism; problems related to socialist culture and ideology. With this opening to the outside world, the waves of reforms, have inevitably bought with them certain unwanted effects. People who got rich departed from values of socialism. They have become selfish. And there is reaction to this from the middle-aged and elderly party members who are more puritanic.

Chinese officials say they don’t mind people getting rich, but they say they are not taking these people to the party. 

This enrichment takes place in a more balanced way in the villages. There is a big drive for industrialization in rural areas to prevent migration to the cities. Shoe factories, textile plants, chemical plants. They are set up and run by village cooperatives under collective ownership. They are exporting shoes to the world. I learned there that some brand names, which are very popular in Turkey, like Nike, or Slazenger, are manufactured in these village factories.

TDN: How do they view Turkey? Do they support Turkey’s developing ties with the Turkic Republics? As a counterbalance to Russia, perhaps? To prevent Russia from regaining the Muslim Belt?

PERİNÇEK: No, they want Russia to pill itself together, to become powerful again. They see this as necessary for stability and world peace. They stress that they do not want to follow a central Asia policy which is against Russia. They say we do not want to draw the Central Asian states to our side against Russia. On the contrary, we encourage them to have good relations with Russia, they say. 

TDN: This Eurasian Option you champion. Do you see it as something realistic? Has it aroused much interest in “Eurasia?” After all, they must know that Turkey’s foreign policy is anchored to the West and there are fears, particularly about Russia, etched onto the public psyche...

PERİNÇEK: Interest is lively, the North Koreans said they were planning to convene an Asia conference, but said they might give up the idea and come to our Eurasia Option conference.

TDN: When is that going to take place? 

PERİNÇEK: In mid-November in Istanbul, Zhuganov will be coming, Shenin and nearly all the Russian (communist) parties. Yugoslavia, Iraq, other neighbouring countries, Turkic republics, Arab countries.

TDN: All communist parties? 

PERİNÇEK: Not only the communists. Every party or group which sees Eurasian Option as beneficial to their countries. It is not confined to communist parties. We have seen people interested to this Eurasian Option, from Eastern Europe to China. They see it as an insurance against division and strife against ethnic conflicts. The way I see it, this New World Order will be confronted by Asia: Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, India.

TDN: This stance against a U.S.- centric foreign policy resembles the policy of the Welfare Party, the senior government partner led by Turkey’s Islamist Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan. It was him who opposed the American schemes for the Kurdish problem. It was Erbakan who took steps towards close relations with Iran and who proposed a four-party summit, including Iraq for the solution of the Kurdish problem. This caused reaction both from the United States and the Turkish establishment. Do you find Erbakan’s foreign policy essentially a correct one?

PERİNÇEK: He copied from us. It was first the Workers’ Party which proposed, in 1991, the solution of the Kurdish problem jointly by the regional powers. Take our formulations, and theirs, you will see that they are exactly the same.

We have been saying that the Kurdish question should not be “globalized”; that this is something very dangerous. That the United States is forcing Turkey to take a projected Kurdish state in northern Iraq under its protection. This is extremely dangerous for Turkey because it will instantly bring us into conflict with Iran, with the Arab world, with Russia. Then we will be left with no other option but the United States and the dependence will be complete. Because if northern Iraq becomes a Turkish protectorate, then Turkey will have no other friends apart from the United States and Israel. Everyone else will be hostile towards us. Furthermore, Turkey will be vulnerable to more pressures. They can say they can divide Turkey from here (northern Iraq) too. Some analysts have said before, that Turkey would either grow in size, or shrink. This, in fact, was what the United States was saying: “I can easily divide, dismember you; so, if you want to avoid that, you have to enlarge to the south and take the Kurdish enclave under your protection.”

Against this, the policy we proposed was that the United States and Europe should withdraw their hands from the Kurdish question and we should settle it between ourselves as Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and the Kurdish organizations.

TDN: (Separatist Kurdistan Workers Party) PKK included?

PERİNÇEK: Here, we do not name any specific names. We say Kurdish organizations. This can be (pro-Kurdish People’s Democracy Party) HADEP, for instance, or another organization from Turkey.

But we have never supported the views, that Turkey should take such an organization as an address, or bargain with it at the negotiating table for a solution. In our opinion, Turkey, as the Turkish state or the government resolves its Kurdish problem itself, and everyone goes by that.

We have been defending this for a long time. But then the Welfare party came and adopted our formula more or less completely. Well, we are only pleased with this. We are not jealous. After all we had proposed this in hopes that Turkey will adopt it. And anticipated that this would be adopted by certain forces because these are in Turkey’s interests. But what we do not see is Welfare Party implementing this in a consistent way. On the one hand they deepen the military cooperation with Israel, and on the other, they defend a regional solution for the Kurdish issue. We have to be very consistent about this regional solution.

Let me tell you this. When we met with President Süleyman Demirel in December 1994-within the framework of his contacts with political party leaders-He started with these very words: “The West has divided Turkey...” It was a complete shock for me. A president saying this. How could he say this so openly? And say it to me... Them he produced a map, which I believe he gave other party leaders as well beside myself. It was a map, drawn up in the West and showing a divided Turkey.

Now, what I don’t understand is this: Those who govern Turkey have determined that the West is out to divide the country. But at the same time, they are all pro-Western. There is a big inconsistency in that. They say Turkey is being divided, dismembered. So where is the threat coming from? If it is coming from the West as they say, then you can deal with that only by defending your independence against the West and trying to neutralize the West’s influence.

They say, on the one hand, that the West is dividing Turkey, and they become even more pro-Western. Currently, we see the emergence of such a policy in Turkey: The United States is dividing Turkey; so perhaps we can avoid dismemberment by pleasing Washington even more.

We worked out an alternative option for that and the Welfare Party has implemented it to a certain extent. There are even similar inclinations on the part of the General Staff, and the Foreign Ministry. Because Turkey has a potential for independence and it has a legacy of history and culture to support that independence.

TDN: Then you find Erbakan’s policy of promoting closer ties with Iran as something positive.

PERİNÇEK: Very positive. Turkey and Iran have some common interests. There is great scope for economic cooperation as well.

No matter who is in power in Iran, Muslim fundamentalists or Shah, or whoever, Turkey’s interests lie in friendship with this country. If we become friends with Iran, the immediate result will not be the infection with its fundamentalist regime.

The Islamism to Turkey did not come from Iran. It was brought about by (late conservative Democrat Party leaders) Celal Bayar and Adnan Menderes, by Süleyman Demirel, by (late President) Turgut Özal. In other words, the representatives of big capital in Turkey who liquidated Kemalizm-i.e. the secularist-reformist line of Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey-step by step, they saw medieval feudalism as their natural ally and steadily nurtured religious fanaticism as an insurance for the political model in Turkey.

It is them who created Erbakan. Do not forget that Erbakan was the chairman of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in other words, the organization of the big bourgeoisies. He was a member of the (former) Justice Party-led by Demirel,-he was a government partner for (the leftist leader) Bülent Ecevit, later he was a government partner for Demirel. In other words, the Islamism was fed and nurtured by those “secularists” who governed Turkey. The line, starting with Menderes kissing the beard of Said-i Nursi, a Muslim sect leader, in the end brought Erbakan to power. It was not Iran which helped Welfare to get as high as 30 percent of the votes. The danger of a return to Muslim Sharia law does not emanate from Iran. It comes from Özal and (government partner True Path Party leader) Tansu Çiller.

People artificially try to portray Iran as the source. Özal and Çiller are shown as heroes of secularism. But on the contrary, what now passes as “moderate Islam” is completely an American plan. Once, it was defending a Green (Islamic) Belt to encircle the Soviet Union. Later, after the collapse of theSoviet Union, the likes of (U.S. think tank specialist and former CIA analyst) Graham Fuller described our cultural identity for us from outside by saying “Kemalism is outdated; what is needed in Turkey is moderate Islam.” So Islam was strengthened in Turkey.

In the Kurdish problem, too, İslam came to be seen as an instrument against Separatism, beginning with (1980 coup leader) Kenan Evren. They followed up this policy by spreading Islamism in southeast Turkey. They supported Hizbullah terrorist group. They distributed millions of leaflets against separatism beginning with verses from Koran. They relied on such formulations as Islam being the uniting force between the Turk and the Kurd, which totally negate the idea of nation-state, a basic tenet of Kemalism.

In short, friendship with Iran, by itself is no danger. For instance a government including the Workers’ Party will not import fundamentalism from Iran. Mustafa Kemal also followed a policy of friendship with Iran. So if you keep alive your ideological, cultural, progressive values, in other words, if you keep alive your republican principles, then Iran in no way stands a chance of exporting its own ideology to Turkey.

This danger is artificially emphasized by the United States which wants to bring Turkey and Iran into a confrontation. I can safely say this: If Turkey can follow a policy, independently of the United States, a policy that addresses the concerns of Iran, then Iran will also change its (fundamentalist) policies towards Turkey. It, too, will be more careful towards Turkey. If Iran is indeed engaged in some provocations against Turkey, if it is supporting some fundamentalist organizations, even supporting violence, a reliable friendship between the two countries will eliminate all these. When I send friendship, this does not necessarily entail detriment from warning Iran about some unwanted intervention if it becomes necessary. The friendship does not mean a complete surrender or opening the borders to Iran’s ideology. 



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on January 27, 1996

The big capital circle which assembled around TESEV (Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation) after Cem Boyner and Sakıp Sabancı emplaced to solve Kurdish problem as well. This circle is assembling a “Kurdish Peace Conference” in collaboration with International Peace Research Institute which has representations in Oslo and Washington (Milliyet newspaper, 24 and 25 January 1996). This international research organization undertakes roles in the name of USA.

The Kurdish conferences of the world capital are coming to Istanbul after their tour in Paris, Stockholm and Oslo. The Kurdish solution of the New World Order is launching its last attack from the headquarters of Turkish big capital. 

There are two solutions for the Kurdish problem at the and. We shall not discuss the labourer’s solution in this article. The solution of the New World Order which has maintained initiative at present can be summarized such: Turkish government would take the Kurdish state founded by USA in Northern Iraqi under her protection. This solution certainly needs a “human rights” package for Kurds in Turkey. It is necessary to see the solution with all dimensions to understand what would come out from this “human rights” package. The most important thing is that Turkey will undertake subcontracting of the USA not only in Northern Iraqi, but also in Balkans and Caucasia. General Doğan Güreş summarized this mission accepting it with enthusiasm when he was General Chief of Staff as “Intervention in crisis areas” using the terminology of the USA sources. As it is observed, the Kurdish solution of the USA includes a content which buries the Last remnants of “Peace at home, peace abroad” policy into history, beyond the Kurdish problem. According to this solution, Turkey will pay her external dept by blood. 

Cem Boyner had made first sortie from the Western collaborator capital front by words of “Turks and Kurds cannot solve Kurdish problem, let the USA be arbitrator” The ones who read Sabancı’s Kurdish report certainly understand the meaning of the messages which were transferred to the “world powers”. Now, this attitude is being appeared onto actional plane from mental plane. Enterprisers know the seriousness of the task they have been doing. It is thought that Özdemir Sabancı, a businessman, was murdered because of this reason. However, a member of TESEV said that “We were afraid a lot when Sabancı was murdered. But there is no use of silence” (Milliyet newspaper, 24 and 25 January 1996). Anyway, such a big power like the world capital cannot be supposed to be silence. 

Everybody knows that “Kurdish identification” will be come out for the lottery of Kurds of Turkey from the USA solution. The big capital is preparing to give identification to the Kurdish landlords and the country gentlemen. “National identification” is a bourgeois -identification in every country of the world. The world and our country history have witnessed to the reality that national identification is in fact a capitalist cover which is covered on labourer’s identification.

The donation of Kurdish identification has found its own owner at last, after a tour around the capital cities of the world. A Kurdish identification front has been formed which extends from capital circles which had been mostly integrated with world capital to Westernized Kurdish nationalism and our neo-liberal leftists. Sabancıs, Boyners, Alatons etc. are certainly taking part in this front as a closest wing of Turkish government to the West. Kurdish identification has been cooked at last and the solution of the Turkish Government is being formed step by step.

Turgut Özal and Tansu Çiller were forerunners of this process. We shall learn that national identification is a bourgeois-identification through the help of Kurdish experience.

The importance of this process from the angle of people including Turk and Kurd is such: the USA has entered as a whole into Kurdish problem. The USA embargoed on the area by the war in the Gulf, she sited his Poised Hammer and captured the initiative. All other big countries including Europe and Russia also took part. Moreover, the USA sat on the centre of the Central Asian pipeline problem as if Kurdish problem and Middle East oil problem are not enough, she also involved in Chechen problem.

So, peace in Kurdish problem should be founded in this multi-based and complicated equation. TESEV bosses calls the meeting organized by themselves as “Kurdish Peace Conference”. Right here, a question comes out, at once: How will the peace be provided?

Responses of some who think in a childish way is ready: Meeting the requests of Kurds as freedom and equality. We also struggled for it extremely in the front for years and, in a period when nobody could help to this subject, we included Kurdish problem in Turkish agenda. If we had found a solution through the way of freedom, equality and fraternity we would not have come to these days. But on the point we have come, we are supposed to see the bitter reality for peace, in priority: The period of solving this problem by meeting Kurdish requests is about to be left in the past. We say there is still opportunity instead of “it is left”. For the trouble had exceed Kurdish requests and reached at the dimensions of the USA, European and Russian requests. As for Middle East states, they are so narrow-visioned as to use Kurdish problem against each other. Moreover it is not possible to satisfy all of the imperialists. There is always an imperialist who grumbles whenever a solution is presented. We know from Balkans and Caucasians that how bloody is the receipt of inter-imperialists competition for the peoples.

Because of these reasons, the first and the most important condition of peacemaking solution is to put an end to imperialist intervention in the Kurdish problem. The power to accomplish it is in uniting of Turkish and Kurdish peoples, that is, all people of Turkey against imperialism. This is the only beginning point of all peacemaking, freedom and equality solutions. As people of Turkey, if we could not accomplish it, every patriot can see the future before us today. As for, those who follow the big states and the big capital of the world could see it through their own experience. Then, there will be no point for them to appreciate us.



This article appeared in Turkish Daily News on April 3, 1995

Turkish public opinion is in the dark with regard to the operation in northern Iraq since the government has not clearly expressed its objective. Officials constantly repeat that the operation is aiming at something more than wiping out the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) but they just will not say what. Furthermore, two wings of the Turkish state are each trying to force the operation to fit their own guidelines.

Turkish Armed Forces, in spite of the USA, entered U.S. supervised territory. 

This operation carries the signatures of the Demirel-Chief of Staff-Foreign Affairs trio. Although at the present time Prime Minister Çiller holds nothing more than a spokesman role, she is nevertheless trying to turn the operation to the advantage of the United States - she is an American citizen - binding it with Washington’s Kurdish scenario.

We are able to distinguish the operation’s real objective through armed forces and Foreign Service statements: Turkey wants the indeterminate situation in northern Iraq to be clarified and want to rest assured that the Kurdish issue will be solved within the territorial unity of Iraq.

Into what domain have the Turkish Armed Forces ventured with this operation? First, in the eyes of international law these lands are still under Iraqi sovereignty. Secondly, the population is Kurdish, thirdly, for the time being, northern Iraq remains under United States supervision; the United States, by deploying Poised Hammer on the 36th parallel and forbidding entry above that point, has practically occupied the area. Iraq welcomes this Turkish operation in a positive manner. Barzani, the representative of Kurds living in that region, is collaborating with Turkey. Only the United States remains. The Turkish Armed Forces have entered the lands which are under U.S. supervision. The operation would have been alright if it were being held “in the name” of the United States. However, the operation is in spite of the USA. This is the critical aspect of the operation.

Turkey refused U.S. “subcontracting” in crisis area
From the U.S. perspective, this operation tends to discredit the U.S. Kurdish scenario. It is a known fact that, since before the Gulf War, the United States wanted Turkey to recognize and support the establishment of a Kurdish state in northern Iraq. Even Turkey’s solution to its own PKK problem was being conditioned to this. The Çiller-Güreş duo gave in to this U.S. scenario. On the other hand, groups in the government close to the traditional state motto “peace at home, peace in the world” feared the implications of operating as a subcontractor for the United States.

If Turkey takes on the role of the United States’ battering ram in the Middle East, she would have to take the same role in the Balkans and the Turkic Republics. When the Chief of the General Staff at the time, Doğan Güreş, spoke of the Turkish Armed role in the Balkans Forces’ “interventions in regional crises”, he was clearly stating a policy insisted on by the United States. Now, according to sources close to the United States rulers, Turkey has stepped out of line since the fall of 1994. For them the “Turkish U.S. honeymoon” was over when Turkey not only stopped giving into U.S. demands with regard to areas in crisis but also started searching for solutions on her own. This quest was evaluated by sources close to the CIA in the terms “Turkey has gone too far” (Mediterranean Quarterly, Winter, 1995). The northern Iraq operation is Turkey’s latest action “outside U.S. guidelines”. The optimum conditions for this action are being evaluated. In any case the Turkish government has no other choice. The option proposed by the Americans would bring Turkey into confrontation with her neighbours, leading to never-ending adventures. None other than a fascist pro-American militarist regime could handle such a state of being.

The U.S. pre-operation Gaziosmanpaşa move
Obviously the United States is not content with this Turkish excursion dash. As a matter of fact, just before the operation, assistant Secretary of State Holbrook had warned Turkey to “beware of internal disorder” in case the operation went further. This warning hid a threat. Sources close to the CIA have been writing for some time that if Turkey stepped away from the U.S. line she would stumble into and be divided by Alawi-Sunni and Turk-Kurd confrontations (Graham Fuller, Foreign Affairs, Spring, 1993 and the Mediterranean Quarterly, Winter, 1995).

The Gaziosmanpaşa provocation is more easily understood after the Iraq operation. It is clear that the state would not be roleing a major military operation. On the other hand, this provocateur role perfectly fits the “big ally” who wants to make the operation stumble. As seen in Gaziosmanpaşa events, the United States has not simply voiced its threat; it also put it into action.

Collaboration between Turkey, Iraq and Barzani
The United States is still trying to stop the Iraq operation from achieving its goal. Washington is worried that the collaboration between Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Barzani has the strength to undo the U.S. scenario. The Kurdish problem could be solved within Iraq, causing the U.S. “Kurdish state under Turkey’s supervision” plan to go down the drain. How was Barzani’s agreement with Baghdad after the Gulf War prevented other than by a series of provocations? Today, after a major economic breakdown and a Kurd against Kurd war, Barzani is searching for ways to settle agreements with Iraq. Iraq, for its part keeps providing guarantees in relation to Kurd rights to which Iran shows no opposition just to cut down any kind of U.S. initiative. This is how Turkey has found a scene of operations for herself away from U.S. influence: by gathering strength from Iran and Iraq, by benefiting from the mounting coldness of the Arab world towards the United States and by bearing in mind that Europe would not be unhappy with a diminution of U.S. power in the region.

Two options, two slogans
There seem to be two options with regard to northern Iraq. The first one is the establishment of a “Kurdish state under Turkey’s protection” and supervised by the United States. The second is the cooperation among countries in the region and Kurdish organizations to refuse the U.S. initiative and find a solution together.

Those who defend the U.S. option shout out “Turkish soldiers go home” while the organized initiative of countries in the region shows its head with the Turkish military operation. This operation diminishes Poised Hammer’s strength by forcing Iraq, Iran and the Iraqi Kurds to come to an agreement. Turkey hopes a solution will be found by the regional countries while the army remains for a while longer.

The United States, which was unable to stop the operation, wants the Turkish military to leave as soon as possible. It is for this reason that Washington has taken on the role of “guardian angel of the civilians”. Isn’t this the same United States which bombarded 300 thousand Iraqi civilians during the Gulf War?

The state’s two wings and two plans
This operation is not to be confused with the presence of the Turkish Army in northern Iraq during the Gulf War. Then Özal wanted to enter northern Iraq to apply the U.S. plan: a Kurdish state was going to be established in any case so it was thought that it might as well be done under Turkish protection. The game was to gain a little in a loosing situation. This time the operation aims to go against the U.S. “Kurdish state” plan. There is no such intention as the annexation of Kirkuk-Mosul, although the U.S. influenced wing of the government will try to pull the operation in that direction. 

The attempted appointment by Çiller, of Doğan Güreş to the position of defence minister was clearly a move to put the Turkish general staff under U.S. control.

The pro-Americans have no way out except for a military coup; therefore attempts at provoking chaos are to be expected from the United States.

The Turkish government’s anti-U.S. wing is undecided and timid, the pro-American wing is the exact opposite. Their representatives in the press express United States policy by using the same words as CIA sources.

The “courier” used by Özal and the National Intelligence Agency (MIT) in relations with Talabani puts Turkey face-to-face with the choices the United States has to offer: “You either grow bigger or smaller”, in other words if Turkey does not take Kurdistan under her protection as the United States demands she will be divided. “The only Turkish journalist to enter the Pentagon” repeats these threats from the CIA and the U.S. government in an arrogant manner.

If the Turkish state’s anti-U.S. wing remains in this blurred and intimidated attitude Turkey could end up with a military coup. The bloody foreign adventure would then have a “branch” inside the country.

The choice of the Workers’ Party
What should be done in the light of what we have seen? Turkey must implement the following policies with determination:

1. Poised Hammer must leave our territory and the U.S. bases must be closed
Poised Hammer and the U.S. bases, including İncirlik which represents an imperialist threat and a de facto tool for pressure, must immediately be removed from Turkish and Middle East territories.

2. The embargo on Iraq must be lifted
The loss suffered by Turkey as a result of the U.S.-pressured embargo on Iraq is evaluated at $40 billion. There is now a growing international movement to put an end to this embargo which handicaps the Turkish economy as much as Iraq’s. Turkey must give her full support to France, China and Russia at the U.N. in fighting against its continuation. Turkey must pull back from this embargo, despite the U.S. veto, and renew economic ties with Iraq far from the U.S. control; the region’s economies would then strengthen by the setting of mutual interests and weaken the U.S. use of the Kurdish issue.

3. A peaceful solution between the Kurdish organizations and countries of the region must be found
In disagreements regarding Kurdish issues in the Middle East a strict attitude must be adopted towards imperialistic initiatives. The conflicts and problems must be handled by Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Kurdish organizations without interference from imperialistic states and on the base of the common interests of the peoples in the region.

The policies to be found must leave no room for the region’s countries to use the Kurdish issue in disputes with each other. For the imperialist ground to be overthrown, the search of the Kurdish people for liberty and equality must be encouraged.

4. No to U.S. subcontracting! 
Acting as a U.S. subcontractor, i.e. as covert proxy carrying out U.S. policies, and undertaking “battering ram” roles in Turkey, the Middle East, the Turkic Republics, Central Asia and the Balkans must be stopped by the joint action of the regional countries.

5. The use of water and oil as a means of strengthening peace and friendship among the peoples of the area must be encouraged
In the 21st century, water will be as precious as oil and already the centres of imperialism are writing the scenarios of “water wars”, including those in Turkey. Turkey’s southern neighbours have a lot of oil; a policy to use water and oil resources throughout the area in a peaceful and mutually beneficial manner must be followed.

6. A policy of a brotherly approach to peaceful solutions must be adopted in national and religious disputes from the Balkans to the Pacific
The New World Order project while proposing austerities and peace in the Richs’ Club of the North, provocates and imposes national slaughtering and disputes among the World of the Oppressed in the South and in the zone of imperialist partitioning ranging from the Balkans to the Pacific.

The policies of the imperialists have, throughout history, caused turmoil in nationalist and religious disputes in Turkey, the Balkans and the Caucasus. This policy is strong enough to break the nationalist and religious mosaic of Turkey, which, as in the First World War, is being pulled into the strong nations’ struggle for power.

Turkey must immediately abandon the policy of cooperation with the imperialistic policy which chooses sides among the various groups surrounding her, introducing chaos. Turkey must do this by following a foreign policy of peace and understanding for the countries and the peoples of the region.

Many people displaced after nationalist religious wars in the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East live in our country. Turkey represents the best choice for the setting of a brotherly example in this landscape of chaos. As during the War of Independence, Turkey has the dynamics to bring oppressed nations together against imperialist separatism.

7. The Asian defence and peace chain 
Our country holds the same interests as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia,Iran in the Caucasus, the Turkic Republics, the People’s Republic of China and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea in Central Asia and other oppressed Asian countries at heart. These countries are targets for the imperialist division struggle which makes solidarity and collaboration with them primordial for Turkey’s independent foreign policy. Kazakhistan President Nazarbayev’s Asia Defence and Cooperation Council for all Asian countries from China to Turkey must be fully supported.

8. Solidarity with the Turkic Republics and the Kurdish peoples
Turkey must develop relations with the Caucasus and Middle East countries, not as the U.S. subcontractor but on her own behalf based on the principles of equality and mutual interest. The historic religious and cultural ties among the Turkic peoples must be used for solidarity in the democratic fight against imperialism.

Relations must be developed with the Kurdish people living in Iraq, Iran, Syria and Russia, again under the sign of friendship. Peaceful, interest-guarding and secure solutions must be found to prevent imperialist intervention in bringing of Caucasus oil to the Mediterranean. 

9. The immediate brotherly solution to Turkey’s Kurdish problem: The constitutional principles and policies of the War of Independence
There is already a remedy which has been successful in the solving of a matter similar to the Kurdish issue of today: the constitutional principles and policies of the War of Independence, which are now long forgotten, which form a unique historical source for united, brotherly solutions.

The declarations of the Sivas and Erzurum Congresses, The regulations and, the Protocol of the Amasya Interview, Mustafa Kemal’s enlightening talks and Ismet Pasha’s official statements in Lausanne settled the basic principles of the solutions to the Kurd issue.

In short, the solution proposed after the War of Independence is based on the formation of a joint parliament and government ruled by the free will of the two peoples on a shared homeland, with respect to national rights and brotherly love under the identity of “peoples of Turkey”.

10. For a successful foreign policy:
The April 5 austerity measures must be lifted, the toiling masses’ economic situation must be improved and democratization must enter every field of activity.

The policies of the Workers’ Party summarized by these ten points are not unrealistic, they are applicable to today’s world balance and represent the only pathway to independence. 



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on April 6, 1996

It was published its pictured report in the newspapers. It is being erected the monuments of General Chiefs of Staff of Liberation War in the garden of the General Chief of staff.

Our Liberation War, doubtless, is the greatest moral source in era which Turkish people has faced with globalization process. However, this inheritance could be evaluated not for its service for foundation of the New World Order but only for encountering to New World Order.

The objective of New World Order is to demolish the positions gained by humanity through the two big revolutionist dynamics of our age. These two dynamics are the socialist revolutions began with the October Revolution and independency revolutions vanguarded by Turkish liberation War. The General Chief of Staff is erecting the monuments of Mustafa Kemal, Fevzi Pasha and İsmet Pasha and on the other hand it is accepting a strategy which “contributes to the New World Order”. Worse than this, as a necessity for this contribution, the Turkish Armed Forces is undertaking the role of “Forward defence and intervention in crisis”. This definition, we could express very openly and with anxiety, is convenient to the position of not Turkish Grand National Assembly’s Armies commanded by Mustafa Kemal during years of Liberation War but to the position of invading army in guidance of England.

The First World War was made to share Turkey. Liberation war was a response against the colonization of Turkey. Greece was driven over Turkey which was “crisis area” for forward defence mission.

Today, Turkey is being driven to the same role. Our country was made fall into conflicts deepening by its neighbours and now in these given terms it “is obliged” to sharing a common fate with the USA.

In fact, in the case of accepting as a datum that Turkey has entered in a rivalry with its neighbours Russia, Iran, Iraqi, Syria, Greece and Yugoslavia to the point to extend the arms; you can not find any other solution except becoming “interventional force in crisis” of the USA.

What a pity that Turkish foreign policy and defense strategy has been put on this sort of line.

However, it is necessary to arrange the equation properly that Turkey is supposed to solidarity with its neighbours to hold its dignity before the big imperialist states. It was following that sort of policy during the years of Liberation War and in the revolutionist era of the Republic. Balkan and Sadabad pacts were the products of this understanding.

As for administrators of today, they accept subcontracting of USA. They are entering in the line of taking front against Russia and of intervening in crisis areas such as Balkans, Middle East and Caucasia.

The error in concentration can not be corrected. Turkey is taking up a wrong position, “Fatal relation” knitted with USA is the obligatory result, in a way, of this wrong emplacement. Those who are obliged to it are the collaborators and rentiers of this globalization and a small group that is turning into mafia.

The force which has dragged Turkey to its place of today is at the same time the force which destroys the gains of our Liberation War and Republican Revolution.

There is a history of this process. This history is the history of encountering with Mustafa Kemal. Lieutenant General Fuat Doğu was saying “Policy of ‘Peace at home, peace abroad’ is out of fashion any more” when he was defending the policy of ‘Worldwide Turkishness and Islam’ as a conclusion of Green Belt strategy of USA. As for the New World Orderer, they say “Kemalism is out of fashion”. For the policy depended on the USA can not be realized unless the moral inheritance of Mustafa Kemal is destroyed. If the New World Order is right, our Liberation War would be a great wrong.

We made an historical error pushing away the globalization which reached to Polatlı into Mediterranean Sea!

If accepting New World Order and undertaking active interventions in crisis areas are right, erecting the monuments of Liberation War is wrong.

Coherent representatives of New World Order are repeating the slogan of “Damn independency!” in proud. The strategy of “Intervening in Crisis Areas” is defended in this way, not by erecting the monuments of Liberation War!

If it is followed in this line, globalizationists will destroy those monuments and will erect the monuments of Abdulhamits, Vahdettins, Turgut Özal and Tansu Çillers instead. These are the monuments convenient to the New World Order.

As for the attitude convenient to the inheritance of Mustafa Kemal, it is to reject “mandate and protection”



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on June 22, 1996

Aydınlık published some opinions which took place in the report read in 4th National Conference of the PKK, transferring from the issue of 10 June 1996 of Özgür Politika newspaper.

As known, PKK had wanted a role in the New World Order after War in the Gulf. Related to this, it was written letters to the leaders of big imperialist states for “Quick interference in Kurdish problem”. 4th National Conference Report of PKK is presenting impression of changing this policy in first glance. In the report, it is highlighting the importance of an “Asian Alliance” which extends from Iran and Syria to Russia and China against the New World Order.

After the dissolution of Soviets Union, a Chaos Geography which extends from Eastern Europe to Pacific Ocean is formed. In this geography, there are fragmented and shared countries. Imperialists who uninvitingly took part in geography are fragmenting and sharing position.

Soviets Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia and Iraq were fragmented. Fragmenting of Russia, Iran and Turkey had been brought in regional agenda. Campaigns which targetting China are intensified in Tibet and Sincian-Uighur autonomous region. “Sevres threat” had been a common threat for Asian countries.

In this case, there are objective terms of creating solidarity of sharing against sharers. It is observing practical steps in this way. It is obvious that Asia should be in axis of resistance against imperialism in 21st century.

Do you think if PKK has this kind of a vision anymore, extracting lessons from developments after War in the Gulf? Article written by Cemil Gündoğan which is published in Demokrasi newspaper of 15 June 1996 is making the matter clear. 

In headline of article, the question of “Is America-Israel-Kurd equation changing?” is taken a place. A fatal question! 

Writer, firstly, determines that there is a certain alteration in approaching of USA-Israel dual towards PKK. However, it is fixed that USA and Israel aims to “Suppress Syrian Administration” not to “remove Kurdish movement”. Article is highlighting a few times that USA and Israel “does not want to finish PKK”. The cause of this is explained so: “It is obvious that a trouble like PKK over the head of Turkey is necessary for her need to Israel. In this case, Israel, how come wants to remove a factor which makes Turkey need herself, by its own hand? Another equation like this is valid for America-Turkey-PKK view point.”

As it is observed, the role of PKK in regional policy is being placed on the basement of USA and Israeli needs. The being of trouble over the Turkey is in favor of USA and Israel. PKK continues his presence, thanks to this need. The writer of Demokrasi newspaper says “we are supposed to take into consideration this quality of event when we form our policy” and warns “Let us not enlarge the target by a leftist error”.

As it is observed, encountering USA and Israel is received as “target enlargement”. Target is TR (Turkish Republic) as their well known saying; as for USA and Israel they are being powers to be gained or neutralized, at least.

If we look on theoretical plane, the dilemma of “colonial theory” and on political plane, the dilemma of policy which does not have socialism as its target” is here. Behavior which does not give up hoping for help from USA-Israel dual, cannot give confidence to Turkish people, by no means and can not take part in strong and permanent solidarity with anti-imperialist powers of the region. The ones who follow this policy seem to sit on the axis in the case of going away from USA and Israel axis for Turkey.

The ones, who accept Turkish Government as prime enemy, observe USA and Israel as intermediary power position. On the other hand, they defend Turkey is the target of regional states not American imperialism in first priority. They unite with every power including Russia against Turkey. On the subject of oil and natural gas pipe lines, they hope benefit from the irritation of competition between Russia and Turkey. Here too, they fall in a position in favour of USA.

Because USA had founded his control over Russia and Turkey on the base of deepining of competition between this two neighbour countries. An approach between Russia and Turkey is the probability which USA never wants.

Sharpening the contradictions among Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria and other Arabian countries, Turkic Republics, Caucasian countries, Russia, China and India is the policy of USA imperialism. In just the same way, USA is in struggle to create tensions which should extend to wars among Turkey and Iran, Syria, Russia, applying to diverse manipulations where Çiller, too was used in. To look for living area in gaps between these two countries on terms which USA produces Turkey-Iran War scenarios, carries an indirect alliance with USA.

Making trouble for Turkey and keeping it in this position is not the policy of revolutionist powers but is the policy of counter-revolutionist powers in world scale. Because, revolution should be realized not in terms which suppression of imperialism intensified but should be realized on “the weak link of imperialism”.

The anti-imperialists are in favour of solving the problems between Turkey and its neighbours by the help of understandings. For example, they defend Turkey-Iran friendship. The fork in road for narrow nationalism which does not lost its hopes from imperialism and national libertinism is here.

The administrations of Croatian, Slovac and Bosnian movement became German and American followers because they have Yugoslavia as prime enemy. As for Yugoslavia, it could not be save to be fragmented in spite of it was the alliance of West. There are lessons in this event for everybody.

Asian alliance should be realized by turning their fronts not to each others but to imperialism for Middle East and Asian powers. USA imperialism is not a “conjecturally” but strategically encountered power.

Fatal strike to New World Order is coming from Asia. Therefore, Eurasia Alternative is in fact the only way of exit for all world Labourers and Oppressed.



This article was published in Aydınlık weekly on July 28, 1996

They invited Marc Grossman to Turkish Grand National Assembly. They would be taught by the American Ambassador why it was necessary to say “yes” for Poised Hammer. Eventually, Erbakan understood the virtues of Poised Hammer which he had voted “no” twenty six times so far. Erbakan who set up partnership with Çiller, the American citizen, treated to Assembly as if it was an irresolute commission which was waiting for the words of America. Marc Grossman is no more in role of ambassador but of colonial governor.

National Security Council resolution of 25 July 1996 closed the curtain of the stage. The resolution was stating that ‘There is no need acting, duration of this Poised Hammer should be renewed and you, Mr.Erbakan will submissively say ‘yes’ for this, anyway.’

Let us talk about the reality of this matter: Neither the USA imposed for Poised Hammer, nor the Welfare Party made a “U” turn.

There was no need for imposition of the USA. The USA had already imposed and got accepted by in Özal’s power era. It is not a toy for child, but is the most important manipulation of America’s regional strategy. If USA had put up with acting a role in the circus play named, “Let They Come and Explain us”, it was just for the sake of showing her own power once again to everybody. Those who knew well what Erbakan type of men could do and how far they can go were the Americans.

As for the Welfare Party of Erbakan, let us say underlining it “there is no “ ‘U’ turn” it was always on this line. The real “‘U’ turn” is on statements related to the Welfare Party. Now, the Welfare Party is sitting on its real position in view of everybody.

The USA was observing better than everybody where the Welpare Party was standing. When we stated that the whole Welfare Party Program, including “Justly Order” and obligation of interest, was only a big lie on the programme, “The Leaders’ Panel Discussion” organized by Turkish Radio Television just before General Elections of 1991, Erbakan could only say by heart ‘patience’.

The “Counter West” of Erbakan and the Welfare Party is a fable lier than others. A political movement which adopt Medieval ideology as a banner is supposed to rely on imperialism which is axis of reactionary in the world scale. Saudi petro-dollars strictly bounded Erbakan and the Welfare Party to America. “Moderate Islam” is an identification imposed by USA to Turkey. The way to power for the Welfare Party was opened by the generals of 12 September 1980 military coup, who were called by the USA as “Our Children”.

Submission of Erbakan is valuable more than oath of Çiller for American benefits from the view of USA. The logic imposed to society is this: it seems that nobody can counter the USA, since even Erbakan who converted anti Westernization as so-called religion surrendered and said that “breaking up our relation with America is against our national benefits” The statements of Erbakan against America so far is in favour of America, any more.

He said “no” twenty six times and now he is saying “yes”, what kind of a great principle absence! The opposition who said “Erbakan made ‘U’ turn, let him excuse” needs consistency as least as Erbakan. They are supposed to give a net response: Do they want that the Welfare Party should say “yes” or “no”? Do you now say “yes” or “no” for Poised Hammer?

You said “yes” approximately ten times when Erbakan said “no” twenty six times. Why do you now yelling so much when Erbakan comes next to you? Whey are you mad instead of organizing a “welcome” ceremony for Erbakan. Why do you blame him?

Nobody has any right to accuse anybody. Those who directly said “yes” and also those who came the point of “yes” after they said “no” twenty six times for Poised Hammer are meeting on the basement of submission to the USA benefits. Moreover, they called the name of American benefits as “Turkey’s realities”.

Coming in power of the Welfare Party imposed the real agenda of Turkey by force to minds: Determining independence and then Laicism (secularism)! The relation between the struggle against imperialism and against Medieval powers is coming in attendance of our society over and over again.

The historical meeting between Poised Hammer and Shari’a (Islamic Law) is valid as contemporarily any more. Today it is the reality which determines Turkey’s agenda.
Nobody can impose his own agenda to society. The left can unite with labouring masses only fixing the agenda of the country in a right way.