Gültekin: Turkey is on the edge of an economic crisis

The Syrian State Television visited the Headquarter of the Workers’ Party and made an interview with the former Vice-Chairman Mehmet Bedri Gültekin.

The Ankara representatives of the Syrian State Television visited the Headquarter of the Workers’ Party (Turkey) and made an interview with the former Vice-Chairman Mehmet Bedri Gültekin. 

In the interview about the Turkish economics, journalist Adeeb Abdul Fettah asked Mehmet Bedri Gültekin about the external debt of Turkey and asked him to evaluate the economic policies of the AKP administration. 

Mehmet Bedri Gültekin said that Turkey is on the edge of an economic crisis, with the sum of the Turkey’s external and domestic debt reaching its gross national product. Gültekin emphasized that the AKP have till now been able to manage the economy with speculative, hot money on the one hand and the selling state owned enterprises on the other. But according to Gültekin, both of these sources are not available anymore and therefore Turkey will face an economic crisis in the near future. As a solution, Gültekin said, should Turkey increase its cooperation with its neighbours, Syria, Iraq and Iran being in the first place, on all fields. He added that the AKP administration can not carry out this policy. 

Mehmet Bedri Gültekin, became the Vice-Chairman of the Workers’ Party (Turkey) after Chairman Doğu Perinçek was arrested in the Ergenekon Case in 2008. Gültekin carried out this duty until he was arrested within the Ergenekon Case in 2011.